> Behalf Of Mary Gardiner
> Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 5:42 AM
> Subject: [issues] On men and techtalk.
> My boyfirend mentioned something about the linuxchix lists that
> reminded me of the
> 'women-asking-men-answering' discussionon techtalk a few weeks ago.
> He said that if he were on the list, he would feel like he was
> intruding on a
> resource provided for women - the ability to ask questions on the
> techtalk list, and
> would only answer them (since that would be the reason he would
> be subscribed - in
> order to help).
> Hence the beginning of the appearance of the imbalance.
> I was tempted to post to techtalk and get an anecdotal answer to
> 'why are you here?'
> from the men, but it seemed to me to sound too much like 'justify
> why you are here,'
> which is unecessary with Linuxchix set up as it is at present (be
> polite, be
> helpful).
I'm here to learn more about Linux and to seek advice when I get stuck with
something. The primary reason I chose Linuxchix is because of the wonderful
people involved who are willing and capable of helping those in need... and
that can carry on a debate or discussion without resorting to childish
antics. I was on a few of the other Linux/Unix related news groups but
quickly abandoned them due to all the childish antics. The really nice thing
about Linixchix is that I can ask those mundane beginner questions without
being made to feel stupid. There are still a lot of areas of Linux that I
haven't even begun to tackle and I am ever so grateful to have such a
wonderful group of people that willing to take a minutes out of their busy
schedule to lend a helping hand.
I remember when I first upgraded to Redhat Linux 6.1 and really blundered by
posting here from the root account. The response I received was helpful
advice that it was a bad idea to post from root. Very tactful, very
courteous, very friendly, very helpful. Of course, the kind of advice I'd
get on some other lists would be, "Hey you thunderheaded moron! Are you
really such a stupid, incompetent moron that you can't find your way out of
a paper bag?" Don't laugh, I cut and pasted that from a response I received
a couple years ago on another (nameless) list. Of course, I edited out the
lovely four-letter words.
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