Michelle Murrain wrote:
> But, now that open source is seen as a potential business model, how does
> that change things? And how is being an open-source programmer part of the
> puzzle?
> Anyway, I thought this would be an interesting set of issues to discuss and
> ponder.
Definately an interesting set of issues. Hm.
I find myself sitting on both sides of the fence - I'm a programmer,
tech writer, and (in my copious spare time) a wannabe SF/Fantasy
author. (hey, where do you think I got the motivation to learn
writing skills!)
As all of those, I want the writing/hacking with which I earn a
living to be .. well ... *MINE*. Or at least the property of the
company which pays me. If I sweat over a program or prose with the
intent of earning a living with it, it'd upset me greatly to see
it distributed for free by a bunch of pirates - whoever they were,
whatever their motivation. That's my LIVING you're distributing!
The workman is worthy of his hire - so GIMME!
ALSO as all of those, I want the writing/hacking which I give away
freely and willingly to be distributed freely and used widely. If
I sweat over a program or prose with the intent of giving it away,
it makes me very, very HAPPY to see that distributed for free by a
bunch of free-software hacks. Or corporate suits. Or Community Aid
Abroad workers. Whoever they are, or whatever their motivation. I
gave that away freely. I'd rather like my name still on it, but
go for it.
I think this is no more contradictory than - say - an electrician
giving his time to wire up the local Girl Guide (Girl Scout in the
US) cabin. Or a carpenter designing and supervising the building of
an adventure playground at her childrens' school.
The only difference is the nature of the property being given away.
Oh, and the fact that a program written for my local use can be
distributed while still remaining useful to me locally. Try doing
that with an adventure playground or a scout cabin!
Jenn V.
"Do you ever wonder if there's a whole section of geek culture
you miss out on by being a geek?" - Dancer.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Jenn Vesperman http://www.simegen.com/~jenn/
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