Hi all...

So, the Linuxchix Alpha Site is up and (I think) ready for testing.  It's
currently living on the new server at one of my currently-unused other


It will, of course, move to http://www.linuxchix.org when the alpha and
beta testing stages are complete and I release the final version.

Go check it out.  Make sure you read the "Alpha README".  Please send me
any comments, questions, and bugreports you might have.

The site Is Not Finished.  I explain all this over at the site, tho', so I
won't repeat myself here.  

Okay.  *fingers crossed*  Here's to hoping it doesn't fall apart in the
first five minutes.  Let me know what you think.

- deb (sleepy)

--- Deb Richardson (aka: dria) ---

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