> Yup. Webgrrls in Sillycon Valley is in the process of changing over. The
> main organisation seems to dictate what it can and cannot do, for example
> it will not (supposedly) let the group change its list manager
> (egroups) in favour of one which does not stick the ads at the top of the
> page ;-) 
> I am not sure when the transition will be complete, but the general
> feeling seems to be if it *must* charge, then charge a nominal fee at the
> events rather than for the use of a mailing list. I don't know if it will
> break off though. 
> Linda

Do you know if that's what the SF chapter is doing as well? The
chapter page is down. I just moved out here so hadn't made any f2f

I was mystified by digital eve. There's Women on the Web, WebGrlls,
AND GraceNet here in SF and then an announcement for Digital Eve. How
many feminist IT related networking groups can one gal attend?


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