Okay, here's what happened. Yesterday I unsubbed and banned the two parties involved simply because I got incredibly tired of having to deal with this stuff when I am already busier than any normal human should be. Last night, however, after finally getting my net access at home back (which required rewiring my apt and new hardware after a 5 day outage), and finding out that my cat (who has been ill) will likely survive, I found myself in a significantly more generous mood. As a result, I unbanned both parties but effectively put them on probation with a warning that if they broke the basic guidelines of the Linuxchix lists ("be polite, be helpful") and/or broke the basic tenents of netiquette (ie: no more forwarding personal messages to a public list without explicit permission of the original sender, thank you very much), I would not hesitate (even for a second) to kick them off again. I've also asked (for at least the third time) that these personal conflicts be kept off list. Thanks to everyone for the notes of support I've received. Here's to hoping that it's all over and done with (list-wise, at least), and our little list can continue on its merry way discussing things that are, perhaps, on topic. - deb _______________________________________________ issues mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linux.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/issues