Yesterday, I was sitting on a tram heading into town. It's school
holidays here, and a couple of teenagers - female - sat beside me.

I spent some of the trip listening to them matter-of-factly discussing
computing, the chronic viruses on the school computers, the means they
use to combat that, their home computers and the problems they're having
with them, the means they use to combat _that_.......

They weren't geekish girls. Their other discussions involved
traditionally 'teenage girl' topics. But they matter-of-factly discussed
medium-deep tech things. Their underlying automatic assumption was that
_they_ would be the ones who solved technical hassles in their lives.

How _WONDERFUL_! I was walking on clouds all day. :)

Jenn V.
       "Do you ever wonder if there's a whole section of geek culture 
                you miss out on by being a geek?" - Dancer.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]        Jenn Vesperman

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