----- Original Message -----
From: JoAnne Abbott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2000 5:30 AM
Subject: Re: [issues] Standards?? PHOOEY!!!

> Also if  the FCC could be persuaded to push for carving up the mostly
> unused portion of the UHF broadcast band the, competition in wireless
> could be enough to assuage Mr. McGarry's and others concern.

I don't measure the success of a large-scale socio-technological endeavour
by the amount of business competition it allows/engenders. Rather, I measure
the amount of freedom available to the content creator[*].

That is a personal bias, likely laughable to some. But I don't think market
forces are nearly sufficient to 'assuage' my fears.

[* The so-called consumer's[**] freedom stems from that.]

[** I've yet to find someone who could explain to me how one 'consumes'
information. It's still there when you're done, isn't it?]

Dan McGarry

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