When I get out of whack, I write stuff down. I just read the article about ABIT creating it's own distrobution for ABIT hardware. As my friend LouZiffer seems to think, I freaking act like Linux's Den Mother. I get very worried that Linux is going to go the way of the dodo tomorrow. So I wrote my steam out on my web page and I was wondering what other people thought about the situation concering the distrobution-mania going on recently. BTW, if this shouldn't go in issues, let me know. I figure it's a Linux issue, so it goes here. And I don't mean to bust up any other converstations going on. The article that kinda weirded me out ... http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=00/02/21/1451232&mode=thread The bit I wrote is at http://www.rps.net/mojo. I'll repost it here (it's not too long) if enough people ask. Bad Mojo <RPS Figurehead, ThinkPad Pope, SysAdmin> ICQ:4722638|AIM:BadMojo000|http://www.rps.net/mojo "When I need to I hit people with the largest weapon I can find: the Earth." ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
- Re: [issues] YAFGA (Yet Another Female Geeks Article... Robert Kiesling
- Re: [issues] YAFGA (Yet Another Female Geeks Article... Kelly Lynn Martin
- Re: [issues] YAFGA (Yet Another Female Geeks Article... Robert Kiesling
- Re: [issues] YAFGA (Yet Another Female Geeks Article... Kelly Lynn Martin
- Re: [issues] YAFGA (Yet Another Female Geeks Article... Robert Kiesling
- Re: [issues] YAFGA (Yet Another Female Geeks Article... Kelly Lynn Martin
- Re: [issues] YAFGA (Yet Another Female Geeks Article... Kirrily 'Skud' Robert
- Re: [issues] YAFGA (Yet Another Female Geeks Article... Dakota Surmonde
- Re: [issues] YAFGA (Yet Another Female Geeks Article... Jenn V.
- Re: [issues] YAFGA (Yet Another Female Geeks Article... Rik Hemsley
- Re: [issues] This is an odd thing. Bad Mojo
- Re: [issues] This is an odd thing. Robert Kiesling
- Re: [issues] This is an odd thing. Bad Mojo
- Re: [issues] This is an odd thing. Caitlyn Martin
- Re: [issues] This is an odd thing. Bad Mojo
- Re: [issues] This is an odd thing. Snarfblat
- Re: [issues] YAFGA (Yet Another Female Geeks Article... coder
- Re: [issues] YAFGA (Yet Another Female Geeks Article... Dan McGarry
- Re: [issues] YAFGA (Yet Another Female Geeks Article... jenn
- Re: [issues] YAFGA (Yet Another Female Geeks Article... Rik Hemsley
- Re: [issues] YAFGA (Yet Another Female Geeks Article... Jenn V.