Caitlyn Martin wrote:
> I think I need to point out that Adobe is one of the companies funding the
> lobbying in favor of UCITA.  I don't often agree with RMS, but he is 100%
> correct when he calls UCITA the greatest threat to Free / Open Source
> software today.  So...  I would like to encourage everyone to treat Adobe
> with the disdain that many people seem to reserve for Microsoft.  These
> folks are out to kill the Linux / Open Source community.

These people are out to make a fat dollar.  And to do that they want to
be the almighty dictators of content, enforcing how, when, and where you
are able to get their information.  Personally I think this will be
irrelevant either way the cards fall.  In the unlikely event that is
does get accepted on a wide level, the amount of violation of this law
(hmm.. how many people do you know will gladly bind themselves to the
terms of this law?) will make it a failure anyway.  

This doesnt mean that I will not do anything to prevent it, but if it is
passed it will have to be enforced, and the enforcement of a law like
this one will be a monumental task, which will hopefully bankrupt the
companies attempting to enforce it ;)

Information is one of the hardest things to control, and they are
misguided if they think a law will let them do it.

I do not want to see this passed, as it would still create major
headaches, and I think everyone should do their part to keep it so.. but
it is not a death threat for open source IMHO.

Does anyone know of some online resources organized against the UCITA?

         "You are the product of a mutational union 
           of ~640Mbytes of genetic information."


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