> Shame Christianity seems to have forgotten about his teachings
> and, in fact, misinterpreted him from day one.
If I am recalling correctly, there was a group of followers soon after
his death who preached his message was more important than his
death/divinity. That's kind of where I am right now. Probably also has to
do with the fact that I'm currently reading "Living Buddha, Living Christ."
> Oh dear. Here's me tossing my EUR 0.2 into a religious debate.
> I know practically nothing about religion, and even less about
> Christianity. I have, though, read parts of the Christian
> bible in the past.
I think the most important thing about religious debates is to have them
in the first place. The most fun I've had in months lately was sitting at a
bar, drinking beer and discussing the movie 'Dogma' and theology with a
Jewish raised atheist, a Lutheran raised agnostic and a Presbyterian raised
existentialist. This whole thread has simply been a delight, a hearty thank
you to whoever started it. Granted, it's stretching [issues] a bit, but
still great fun.
Jeramia Ory
u·ni·ver·si·ty (n): Three square miles surrounded by reality
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