Rik Hemsley wrote:

> > Enlightenment happens to both sexes.
> Ok, I take it back. I was talking about 'other men', which doesn't
> include you, me, and plenty of others. I don't know if your optimism
> about the state of the male gender is a little premature, but hey, I'm
> an optimist, so let's say that men have changed - irreversibly - for
> the better.
> Cheers,
> Rik

Sorry, Rik. Reading that back to myself I realize the inappropriateness
of the choice of the word "resent". Please accept my apologies.

Best regards,

"Fear is the foundation of obedience." Vladimir Lenin
"Without fanaticism one cannot accomplish anything." Evita Peron
"...in order to punish less often, punish more severely." Napoleon

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