Hi folks. Given all the talk we've had at LinuxChix in the past about how women in the Linux and Open Source community tend to be overlooked, here's your chance to try to change that... Slashdot and Andover.Net are sponsoring the 2000 Beanie Awards, which are going to distribute a bunch of money to worthy recipients from the Open Source community. Catagories include: Most Improved Open Source Project Most Improved Kernel Module Best Newbie Helper Most Deserving Open Source Charity Best Open Source Advocate Unsung Hero Best Unix Eyecandy Best Open Source Text Editor Best Apache Module Best Designed Interface in a Graphical App Best Desktop Theme Best Perl Module Best Unix Earcandy Best Open Source-related Book Best "Deserving of a $2000 Award" Best Designed Interface in a non-GUI App and a couple of others. So...if you know of women who have contributed significantly and deserve to be recognized in some way, wander over to Slashdot and make your nominations. Nominations close on Jan 16th or 17th. Here's the relevant URL http://www.slashdot.org/index.pl?section=awards - deb -- Deb Richardson, Executive Editor Linuxcare, Inc. tel: 613.562.9723, fax: 613.562.9304 [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.linuxcare.com Linuxcare. At the Centre of Linux. ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org