In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Telsa Gwynne wrote:
>I haven't had time to read all those articles yet, but they looked
>good. The name of the submitter caught my eye: Ellen Spertus has a
>mass of stuff online about this topic, and it makes for interesting
Ellen's great. But whatever you do, avoid Dale Spender's drivel. She's
a local (to me) and IMHO she's consistently full of shit. She wrote a
book in 1994-1995 called "nattering on the net" which was all about how
wonderful it was that women were starting to use the Internet to talk to
each other, and how this was a giant step for womankind, etc, while
completely ignoring all the women who'd been there for ages and were
just getting on with it quietly.
>I stupidly looked at the Slashdot discussion, which was a mistake.
Oh Telsa, Telsa, you should know better than that. You've told *me*
exactly the same thing, I'm sure!
>(Someone told me I should avoid it because it would irritate me,
>so naturally I had to look. How silly of me.) The link itself
>might be a nice change from their usual stuff, but the discussion
>there is the same as ever: "I'm a woman and I get no discrimination"
>gets moderated to five, and comments about "it's true; I see few
>women in my sci/math class" and "it's true; I have experienced
>this" are down at one and zero with the trolls and flamebait.
Ugh. Glad I didn't read it.
Kirrily 'Skud' Robert - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it
every six months.