> Date: Mon, 27 Dec 1999 10:24:15 -0800 (PST)
> From: Deirdre Saoirse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [issues] Despotic Demographics RANT
> On Fri, 24 Dec 1999, Simon Britnell wrote:
> > <RANT>
> > I frequently see self-styled minority / oppressed groups complaining about
> > demographic issues.
> Yeah, well, you're a guy. 'Nuff said.

This type of generalisation is quite common from people who are demographics centered
(yes, I know that's a generalisation) and does nothing to validate your viewpoint.

If I said "Yeah, well, you're a woman. Nuff said.", what argument would you raise
against me (hopefully something more intelligent than discarding it on the basis of
gender).  It doesn't matter who is making the argument.  It's either logically correct
or it's not.  Dismissing it because it was made by a man is on the same immoral level 
dismissing it because it's made by a woman.

> And probably white

There's a picture of me on the profiles page, but see my comments above.

> and probably not suffering from any major handicaps.

I dunno.  What would you consider a "major" handicap?  I know a blind guy who has more
influence and makes more money than I do.  What about mental illness?  Would you
consider that a handicap?  How would you know?  Would I tell you if I had one?

> There are reasons of socialization that affect the presence of women in
> IT.  Perhaps you need to understand that.

So what?  There are reasons of socialisation that affect the presence of men in
nursing.  That doesn't make more male nurses a good or bad thing.  What I'm saying is
that uneven demographics are irrelevant and the treatment of individuals by other
individuals is the real problem.  To combat the problem, you need to convert ( or kill
:)  ) the problem individuals.  It's a long and arduous task.  It can only be done
individual by individual and only by example.  Complaining does change people, but not
in a way you want.

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