On Mon, 6 Dec 1999, Robert Kiesling wrote:

> There may be a third... that is based on information science, and that
> is what I've been considering, as another person said, on the
> character of the data, like text, images, musical scores... (though
> that description does not do justice to information science).  I think
> that qualifies, although it doesn't have the reputation of being as
> rigorous as the curricula that are more founded in math.

Information science deals more with the storing of language (full text
search and retrieval) and is sort of an outgrowth of library science.

MIS (another one omitted) is an outgrowth of business computing.

So there's four major areas that reflect where they originally came from.
My specialty personally is as a generalist as I've done all four areas. I
tend to prefer less math however. :)

_Deirdre   *   http://www.linuxcabal.net   *   http://www.deirdre.net
   My three rules for happy living:  No Windows, No Java, No Perl.
"I'd love to have the green paint concession on the next Matrix movie."
                                                         -- Rick Moen

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