> Not at ALL stupid. I'm FAR more interested in getting the specification
> list and the design set done than in picking a language.

I'm with Jenn on this one. I don't think we _can_ start to talk about a
language choice until we have a basic spec/design-goal for the project. I
mean, are we even all talking about the same thing here? For example, a lot
of the initial comments seem to be saying that the software should have a
primarily web based interface, I disagree. This type of UI would be good for
project collaboration software, a lá www.sourceforge.com but I personally
take project management software to be something different. More like,
although I hate to say it, M$ Project.

I think that our priority should be to make progress on the design of the
software before we start looking at the implementation.


#ifndef  __COMMON_SENSE__ | Ian Phillips
#include <std_disclaimer> | TIBCO Software Inc.
#endif                    | www.TIBCO.com

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