On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, Robert Kiesling wrote:

> Deirdre Saoirse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I'm all for the model-controller-view concept from smalltalk where the
> > model is the data, the controller is the glue and the view is the
> > UI. That way, you can have two UIs (Gtk+ and web) talking to the same
> > model. The controller class abstracts the process.
> Please forgive me if I'm butting in too much here.  If the API`s are
> understood and documented, then I think the application model could
> work on that scale.  Isn't that what middleware; e.g.; an Orb, is
> supposed to do?

Why do you need middleware unless the design sucked in the first
place? Seriously.

Middleware is what you use for hostile environments, not for
cooperation. The primary need for middleware is closed protocols and bad

BTW, I never use TLAs referring to programming (e.g. "APIs"). M$ has been
the chief purveyor of this crap that excludes people who aren't
TLA-enabled. It makes it sound like people know more than they
do. "Interface" is a perfectly nice noun. Apple historically used
"interface" and "toolkit" instead of API and SDK. I think using nouns in
lieu of TLAs is a very good thing.

(Not that I'm opinionated or anything... :) )

_Deirdre   *   http://www.linuxcabal.net   *   http://www.deirdre.net
   My three rules for happy living:  No Windows, No Java, No Perl.
"I'd love to have the green paint concession on the next Matrix movie."
                                                         -- Rick Moen

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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