Excerpts from linuxchix: 1-Dec-99 Re: [issues] Jamie Lokier (.. by
Robert Kiesling@localhos 
> I would like software that allows and facilitates collaborative or
> simultaneous projects over the net.  CVS kind of does this, at least
> in the communication part, letting everyone know that a module is
> checked out for editing.

Worldforge's[1] infrastructure group has been checking out stuff to use
to manage our project.  Currently we use cvs, irc, mailing lists, and
wiki. We've looked at: sourceforge (www.sourceforge.net), which is nice,
but we already have our own servers, this bizarre "power steering" thing
(www.psteering.com) which was way too corporate and buzzwordy (as well
as javascript-y for us).

[1] Worldforge is the project I'm working on. Our web site is a
www.worldforge.org. *plug* 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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