Hi, JB,

> I have to ask...what would youy say about the healthcare industry?

IMHO, health care should be nationalized, as was done in Canada, and as is
the case in most European and other developed countries.

My complaint is with the insurance companies more than the actual health
care providers.  I really do not want to go into my dealings with an HMO on
this list.

As far as malpractice is concerned, that cuts both ways.  If a doctor really
does commit malpractice and someone dies or is severely disabled, shouldn't
there be recoure?  I think there should be.

Remember, I said I have a birth defect.  We *know* what caused it in all
liklihood.  Try and go get compensation?  Hmmm... not possible.   Don't make
me go into that one either, at least not on this list.

IMHO, decent healthcare should be a right, provided by the government, and
paid for through taxes.  We are the only Western country that doesn't do

Further discussion can continue, but I think it should either be private or
moved to grrltalk.  This is way off being a Linux topic now.


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