I found it very interesting, when CNN last night was talking about the
case, and they mentioned that Joel Klein has ruled out ONE penalty: A
fine. So it's pretty clear that MS is not going to get a simple
monetary slap on the wrist. 

I suspect this makes the Caldera case almost a done deal, especially in
light of the judge's ruling on 11/2. 

WRT the Finding Of Fact itself, I found the first several paragraphs
one of the best explanations of the industry in layman's terms that
I've seen in quite some time. This judge *ACTUALLY GETS IT!*. 

Score one for the feds. Now MS is talking settlement, which means
they'll probably implement their breakup plans that they've been
working on for a few years.. I suspect we'll probably see something
along the lines of Operating Systems (NT and friends), Applications
(Office and company), Internet (MSN, IE), and E-commerce (Net ventures)

-Ian (glad to be back in CO)
<cosmo> wow, this is kinda nifty. the Win98 protocol stack is like a chinese puzzle, 
twist and turn in the right places, and it pops right off.
                                                                   -Seen on EFNet IRC

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