Kelly Lynn Martin wrote:
> On Thu, 04 Nov 1999 10:07:27 -0500, Steve Kudlak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> >In fact I am one of the sloppiest English writers known Especially
> >when I am tired. SPell corrector what's that? So have fun and
> >enjoy. Even if it turns into surrealistic poetry at times!!!.
> Ever consider that this might be part of why you have a hard time
> finding satisfactory employment? :)
> Kelly
> ************
There is a curious thing about electronic communication for me. One is that,
for some unknown reason it became ingrained in my head as very informal.. Ask
Sherry Turtle. :) For example my zine writing often ends up too formal, in an
environment where informality is treasured. My record reviews are loose but
they are supposed to be loose and dreamy.
I tend to write more formally and clearly in reports. I put in footnotes and
the like. Like I would probably footnote "zine" as an independent publication
produced as a labor of love. Still I do "riff off" jump topics in informal
writing just less Just a strange thing.
I really like stream of consciousness, and think it is a great style. I do
overdo it a bit. For some reasons, biomedical types actually like it, and
follow t, and I have received positive comments about my reports.
Even those written in flowing style.
My probes with formal employment is that I like to work alone, or with close
friends. I consider team work highly over-rated and silly. I won't even get
into dress codes as I have beat that one to death. So I do better at research
and things like that because I have the knack of finding things may others
can't and can ferret out secrets and deal with complex details.
Also I am a "skunk worker", give me resource contacts and leave me a alone
with people I like. I hate supervision.unless it is very gentle and calm. And
dressing down will bring a stream lf curse words from me.
In extreme cases I wall walk out not be seen again. I HATE heirachiocal
systems, alas why I don't do medicine except for some research.
I like to talk and blather.:) I concede this a "brain dump" others feel it is
dominating. However I consider the difference between men and women over
exaggerated, so if someone wants to bend my ear I'll let up go ahead.
Now this relates to linux is that I find it the loosest environment and
closest fit to what I like. That and research and security research. I will do
stupid things though. ANd many will agree I generalize a bit much
from personal experience.
The hilariously big problem is I am a night person in general, and a teeible
dresser. Can't see why anyone considers this important. Mad I am arrogant
enough to feel I am pretty Mk right. THough I have my doubts and waffle. I
keep wondering if I should something like those in as an honest cover
And I am still leaving things out. WOnder what other's honest coverter letters
would sound like.If people really wrote them.
Have Fun,
Sends Steve
. .