> And the discussion swings back to the topic:
> I really REALLY hate anti-depressants, at least the ones they've tried on
> me.
> Either my ability to focus thoughts goes away, or I get a fog around my
> head and thinking has to push through it. And being /so/ geekish that
> my intelligence is one of my prime sources of self-esteem, anything which
> handicaps that is worse than the original depression.
> So anti-depressants depress me. Ain't that paradoxical?
> Any other geeks find that?

I've never taken antidepressants, but my boyfriend has.  He hated them -
just as you described.

Deidre  Calarco
Robert Darvas Associates
(734) 761-8713 (ext. 16)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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