On 10/9/99, 10:53:54 PM, Kathy wrote:
> Hey Deb, great interview at Linux.com!
> http://www.linux.com/interviews/19991007/24/
> Your reasoning for starting LinuxChix and its
> advantages are very well articulated. And since
> Linux.com keeps the interviews archived, I think
> you'll continue to gain new members from those
> who happen upon it.
> keep up the good work,
That's just what i thought when reading the interview
some minutes ago: a splendid idea for bringing
Linux Powerwomen together.
I already started telling my friends about your fine
project (the first of them being is an editor of a
printed Linux Magazine) and i hope that the good news
will be brought to every Linux user soon.
My congratulations for that good idea and my promise
that i will do all i can to support it!
Best greetings,
K.-H. Zimmer * Hamburg * Germany
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org