Ivan Zlenko created IGNITE-24423:

             Summary: Potential NullPointerException if we failed to retrieve 
primary replica
                 Key: IGNITE-24423
                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-24423
             Project: Ignite
          Issue Type: Bug
            Reporter: Ivan Zlenko
            Assignee: Ivan Zlenko

In case we received empty response with no exception while for primary replica 
in InternalTableImpl class we will fail with NullPoinerException:

    protected CompletableFuture<ClusterNode> evaluateReadOnlyRecipientNode(int 
partId, @Nullable HybridTimestamp readTimestamp) {
        TablePartitionId tablePartitionId = new TablePartitionId(tableId, 

        return awaitPrimaryReplica(tablePartitionId, readTimestamp)
                .handle((res, e) -> {
                    if (e != null) {
                        throw withCause(TransactionException::new, 
                    } else {
                        if (res == null) {
                            throw withCause(TransactionException::new, 
                        } else {
                            return getClusterNode(res);

    public static <T extends Exception> T withCause(IgniteTriFunction<UUID, 
Integer, Throwable, T> supplier, int defaultCode, Throwable t) {
        return withCauseInternal((traceId, code, message, cause) -> 
supplier.apply(traceId, code, t), defaultCode, t);

    private static <T extends Exception> T withCauseInternal(
            IgniteQuadFunction<UUID, Integer, String, Throwable, T> supplier,
            int defaultCode,
            Throwable t
    ) {
        Throwable unwrapped = unwrapCause(t);

        if (unwrapped instanceof TraceableException) {
            TraceableException traceable = (TraceableException) unwrapped;

            return supplier.apply(traceable.traceId(), traceable.code(), 
unwrapped.getMessage(), t);

        return supplier.apply(UUID.randomUUID(), defaultCode, t.getMessage(), 

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