
Konstantin Orlov commented on IGNITE-24275:

Below are two tests which failed due to the bug (add these to any subclass of 

    protected void configureInitParameters(InitParametersBuilder builder) {

    void test1() {
        String address = "";

        try (
                IgniteClient client1 = IgniteClient.builder()

                IgniteClient client2 = IgniteClient.builder()
        ) {

            client1.sql().execute(null, "CREATE TABLE my_table (id INT PRIMARY 
KEY, val INT)");

            // Statement below is failed with [IGN-TX-11 Table was dropped], 
while the same case executed
            // through embedded client or JDBC will succeed.
            try (ResultSet<?> rs = client2.sql().execute(null, "SELECT * FROM 
my_table")) {
                while (rs.hasNext()) {
    void test2() {
        String address = "";

        try (
                IgniteClient client1 = IgniteClient.builder()
        ) {
            // Statement below is failed with [IGN-SQL-4 Failed to validate 
query. From line 1, column 104 to line 1, column 111: Object 'MY_TABLE' not 
                    + "CREATE TABLE my_table (id INT PRIMARY KEY, val INT);" 
                    + "START TRANSACTION READ ONLY;" 
                    + "SELECT COUNT(val) FROM my_table;" 
                    + "COMMIT;"

> Sql. Rework or replace HybridTimestampTracker.clientTracker
> -----------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: IGNITE-24275
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-24275
>             Project: Ignite
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: sql
>            Reporter: Pavel Pereslegin
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: ignite-3
> In summary, the requirements for a {{HybridTimestampTracker}} (*observable 
> time tracker*) are as follows:
> * Observed time can be updated multiple times
> * Observed time can be updated from different threads
> * The updated value should be visible from different threads
> * When updating the time, the tracker must provide a guarantee that the 
> updated value is monotonically increasing
> From that perspective current implementation of 
> {{HybridTimestampTracker.clientTracker}} is broken.
> * The method {{get()}} returns only initial value (so tracker cannot be used 
> multiple times, for example for SQL script processing)
> * Consumer usually stores value to non-volatile field
> * There is no check that the new value is greater than the previous one
> We need to rework {{clientTracker}} to meet requirement or replace it with 
> {{atomicTracker}}.
> p.s. check TODO in codebase

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