
Eugene Koifman updated HIVE-17691:
    Summary: Miscellaneous List  (was: Misc Nits)

> Miscellaneous List
> ------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-17691
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-17691
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Sub-task
>          Components: Transactions
>            Reporter: Eugene Koifman
> # DDLSemanticAnalyzer.alterTableOutput is unused
> # DDLTask.generateAddMmTasks(Table) - stmtId should probably come from 
> TransactionManager
> # DDLTask.createTable(Hive db, CreateTableDesc crtTbl) has _Long mmWriteId = 
> crtTbl.getInitialMmWriteId();_ logic is unclear..  this ID is only set in one 
> place..
> # FileSinkOperator has multiple places that look like _conf.getWriteType() == 
> AcidUtils.Operation.NOT_ACID || conf.isMmTable()_ - what is the writeType for 
> MM tables?  Seems that Wei opted for "work.getLoadTableWork().getWriteType() 
> != AcidUtils.Operation.NOT_ACID && !tbd.isMmTable()" to mean MM, e.g. 
> MoveTask.handleStaticParts() call to Hive.loadPartition()
> # HiveConf.HIVE_TXN_OPERATIONAL_PROPERTIES - the doc/explanation there is 
> obsolete
> # Compactor Initiator likely doesn't work for MM tables.  It's triggered by 
> into in TXN_COMPONENTS/COMPLETED_TXN_COMPONENTS.  MM tables don't write to 
> either because DbTxnManager.acquireLocks() does  
> _compBuilder.setIsAcid(AcidUtils.isFullAcidTable(t));_ i.e. it treats MM as 
> non-acid tables
> # In general integration with full Acid seems confused wrt to MM and seems to 
> treat MM as special table type rather than subtype of Acid table.  (mostly, 
> but not always).
> # LoadSemanticAnalyzer.analyzeInternal(ASTNode) sets statementId to 0 rather 
> than from TM
> # ImportCommitTask - doesn't currently do anything.  It used to commit mmID.  
> Need to verify we properly commit the txn in the Driver
> # As far as I can tell all the mm_*.q tests run on TestCliDriver which means 
> MR.  This doesn't exercise some code specifically for dealing with writes 
> from Union All queries (CTAS, Insert into).  On MR this requires 
> "hive.optimize.union.remove=true" (false by default)

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