
Sankar Hariappan commented on HIVE-15705:

[~daijy] Please find my comments below,

1. add_foreign_key, add_primary_key, drop_constraint methods need to rollback 
the txn for any failures and exceptions.
2. create_table_core - The indexing of constraintNames for notNullConstraints 
should use (primaryKeySize + foreignKeySize + uniqueConstraintSize + i). May be 
better to use another iterator variable to traverse constraintNames.
3. @param  for the definition of 
MessageFactory.buildAddNotNullConstraintMessage should be nns.
4. In case of failures, shouldn’t  invoke notifyEvent on listeners which is 
there in finally block.
5. In add_primary_key, primaryKeyCols is accessed in a loop without null check. 
Similarly, foreignKeyCols in add_foreign_key
6. Events are not logged from add_unique_constraint and add_not_null_constraint.
7. In HbaseStore.constraintNameAlreadyExists, may be need to compare the 
constraint name using equalsIgnoreCase.
8. In HbaseStore.constraintNameAlreadyExists, the foreign key names can be null 
if KeySeq != . So, need to validate before accessing it.
9. In HbaseStore and ObjectStore; addForeignKeys, addPrimaryKeys and 
addUniqueConstraints methods, the constraintName local variable should be set 
to null at the beginning of each iteration to avoid setting stale value from 
previous iteration. If user input is null, then set the constraintName only for 
10. For HbaseStore, why do we need to explicitly generate the constraint names 
if it is not used while adding it? 
11. In MessageDeserializer.getEventMessage, some of the events are missing.
12. In load.message.AddPrimaryKeyHandler, msg.getDb() is used to get the Db 
name. But, it is not set in the dump side. Instead shall get it from keys 
itself just like table name. Same with other newly added handlers.
13. For all newly added handlers, need to mark tablesUpdated map as well as 
table is the immediate parent for constraints.
14. Need to enable idempotent behaviour for constraints by validating 
allowOperationInReplicationScope before allowing add/drop constraints.
15. As we store the table name part of Constraint object in metastore, does it 
need update when rename table is done?

cc [~thejas]

> Event replication for constraints
> ---------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-15705
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-15705
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Sub-task
>          Components: repl
>            Reporter: Daniel Dai
>            Assignee: Daniel Dai
>         Attachments: HIVE-15705.1.patch, HIVE-15705.2.patch, 
> HIVE-15705.3.patch, HIVE-15705.4.patch
> Make event replication for primary key and foreign key work.

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