
Barna Zsombor Klara updated HIVE-16784:
    Status: Open  (was: Patch Available)

Cancelling as the fix is causing regressions.

> Missing lineage information when hive.blobstore.optimizations.enabled is true
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-16784
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-16784
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: Marta Kuczora
>            Assignee: Barna Zsombor Klara
>             Fix For: 3.0.0
>         Attachments: HIVE-16784.01.patch, HIVE-16784.02.patch
> Running the commands of the add_part_multiple.q test on S3 with 
> hive.blobstore.optimizations.enabled=true fails because of missing lineage 
> information.
> Running the command on HDFS
> {noformat}
> from src TABLESAMPLE (1 ROWS)
> insert into table add_part_test PARTITION (ds='2010-01-01') select 100,100
> insert into table add_part_test PARTITION (ds='2010-02-01') select 200,200
> insert into table add_part_test PARTITION (ds='2010-03-01') select 400,300
> insert into table add_part_test PARTITION (ds='2010-04-01') select 500,400;
> {noformat}
> results the following posthook outputs 
> {noformat}
> POSTHOOK: Lineage: add_part_test2 PARTITION(ds=2010-01-01).key EXPRESSION []
> POSTHOOK: Lineage: add_part_test2 PARTITION(ds=2010-01-01).value EXPRESSION []
> POSTHOOK: Lineage: add_part_test2 PARTITION(ds=2010-02-01).key EXPRESSION []
> POSTHOOK: Lineage: add_part_test2 PARTITION(ds=2010-02-01).value EXPRESSION []
> POSTHOOK: Lineage: add_part_test2 PARTITION(ds=2010-03-01).key EXPRESSION []
> POSTHOOK: Lineage: add_part_test2 PARTITION(ds=2010-03-01).value EXPRESSION []
> POSTHOOK: Lineage: add_part_test2 PARTITION(ds=2010-04-01).key EXPRESSION []
> POSTHOOK: Lineage: add_part_test2 PARTITION(ds=2010-04-01).value EXPRESSION []
> {noformat}
> These lines are not printed when running the command on the table located in 
> S3.
> If hive.blobstore.optimizations.enabled=false, the lineage information is 
> printed.

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