
ZhangBing Lin updated HIVE-17065:
When I follow the official document from cwiki 
[https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/GettingStarted] to build 
Hive2.1.1 single node service encountered several problems::
1, the following to create the HIVE warehouse directory needs to be modified
  A $ HADOOP_HOME / bin / hadoop fs -mkdir /user/hive/warehouse
  B $ HADOOP_HOME / bin / hadoop fs -mkdir -p /user/hive/warehouse
Using B instead of A might be better
2, the following two description positions need to be adjusted
??Running Hive CLI
To use the Hive command line interface (CLI) from the shell:
   $ $HIVE_HOME/bin/hive
Running HiveServer2 and Beeline
Starting from Hive 2.1, we need to run the schematool command below as an 
initialization step. For example, we can use "derby" as db type.
   $ $HIVE_HOME/bin/schematool -dbType <db type> -initSchema??

When I execute the $HIVE_HOME/bin/hive command, the following error occurs:
When I execute the following order, and then the implementation of hive order 
problem solving:
$ HIVE_HOME/bin/schematool -dbType derby -initSchema

When I follow the official document from cwiki 
[https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/GettingStarted] to build 
Hive2.1.1 single node service encountered several problems::
1, the following to create the HIVE warehouse directory needs to be modified
  A $ HADOOP_HOME / bin / hadoop fs -mkdir /user/hive/warehouse
  B $ HADOOP_HOME / bin / hadoop fs -mkdir -p /user/hive/warehouse
Using B instead of A might be better
2, the following two description positions need to be adjusted
~Running Hive CLI
To use the Hive command line interface (CLI) from the shell:
   $ $HIVE_HOME/bin/hive
Running HiveServer2 and Beeline
Starting from Hive 2.1, we need to run the schematool command below as an 
initialization step. For example, we can use "derby" as db type.
   $ $HIVE_HOME/bin/schematool -dbType <db type> -initSchema~

When I execute the $HIVE_HOME/bin/hive command, the following error occurs:
When I execute the following order, and then the implementation of hive order 
problem solving:
$ HIVE_HOME/bin/schematool -dbType derby -initSchema

> You can not successfully deploy hive clusters with Hive guidance documents
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-17065
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-17065
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Documentation
>            Reporter: ZhangBing Lin
>            Priority: Minor
>         Attachments: screenshot-1.png
> When I follow the official document from cwiki 
> [https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/GettingStarted] to build 
> Hive2.1.1 single node service encountered several problems::
> 1, the following to create the HIVE warehouse directory needs to be modified
>   A $ HADOOP_HOME / bin / hadoop fs -mkdir /user/hive/warehouse
>   B $ HADOOP_HOME / bin / hadoop fs -mkdir -p /user/hive/warehouse
> Using B instead of A might be better
> 2, the following two description positions need to be adjusted
> ??Running Hive CLI
> To use the Hive command line interface (CLI) from the shell:
>    $ $HIVE_HOME/bin/hive
> Running HiveServer2 and Beeline
> Starting from Hive 2.1, we need to run the schematool command below as an 
> initialization step. For example, we can use "derby" as db type.
>    $ $HIVE_HOME/bin/schematool -dbType <db type> -initSchema??
> When I execute the $HIVE_HOME/bin/hive command, the following error occurs:
> !screenshot-1.png!
> When I execute the following order, and then the implementation of hive order 
> problem solving:
> $ HIVE_HOME/bin/schematool -dbType derby -initSchema

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