
Zoltan Haindrich commented on HIVE-6590:

the last, #4 patch would only change one thing at the serde level: the parsing 
outcome of the string 'false' will be false from now on...instead of the 
current true.

[~ashutoshc] should I be more carefull...and do the partition only fix?

> Hive does not work properly with boolean partition columns (wrong results and 
> inserts to incorrect HDFS path)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-6590
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-6590
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Database/Schema, Metastore
>    Affects Versions: 0.10.0
>            Reporter: Lenni Kuff
>            Assignee: Zoltan Haindrich
>         Attachments: HIVE-6590.1.patch, HIVE-6590.2.patch, HIVE-6590.3.patch, 
> HIVE-6590.4.patch
> Hive does not work properly with boolean partition columns. Queries return 
> wrong results and also insert to incorrect HDFS paths.
> {code}
> create table bool_part(int_col int) partitioned by(bool_col boolean);
> # This works, creating 3 unique partitions!
> ALTER TABLE bool_table ADD PARTITION (bool_col=FALSE);
> ALTER TABLE bool_table ADD PARTITION (bool_col=false);
> ALTER TABLE bool_table ADD PARTITION (bool_col=False);
> {code}
> The first problem is that Hive cannot filter on a bool partition key column. 
> "select * from bool_part" returns the correct results, but if you apply a 
> filter on the bool partition key column hive won't return any results.
> The second problem is that Hive seems to just call "toString()" on the 
> boolean literal value. This means you can end up with multiple partitions 
> (FALSE, false, FaLSE, etc) mapping to the literal value 'FALSE'. For example, 
> if you can add three partition in have for the same logic value "false" doing:
> ALTER TABLE bool_table ADD PARTITION (bool_col=FALSE) -> 
> /test-warehouse/bool_table/bool_col=FALSE/
> ALTER TABLE bool_table ADD PARTITION (bool_col=false) -> 
> /test-warehouse/bool_table/bool_col=false/
> ALTER TABLE bool_table ADD PARTITION (bool_col=False) -> 
> /test-warehouse/bool_table/bool_col=False/

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