
Hive QA commented on HIVE-16081:

Here are the results of testing the latest attachment:

{color:red}ERROR:{color} -1 due to no test(s) being added or modified.

{color:red}ERROR:{color} -1 due to 324 failed/errored test(s), 6926 tests 
*Failed tests:*
TestAbstractParquetMapInspector - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=250)
TestAcidInputFormat - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestAcidUtils - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestAddResource - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestArrayCompatibility - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestAuthorizationPreEventListener - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=210)
TestAvroGenericRecordReader - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=250)
TestBlockedUdf - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestBuddyAllocator - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestBytesBytesMultiHashMap - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=266)
TestCBOMaxNumToCNF - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestCBORuleFiredOnlyOnce - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestCleaner - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=247)
TestCleaner2 - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestColumnAccess - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestColumnColumnFilterVectorExpressionEvaluation - did not produce a TEST-*.xml 
file (likely timed out) (batchId=262)
TestColumnColumnOperationVectorExpressionEvaluation - did not produce a 
TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=262)
TestColumnPrunerProcCtx - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestColumnScalarFilterVectorExpressionEvaluation - did not produce a TEST-*.xml 
file (likely timed out) (batchId=262)
TestColumnScalarOperationVectorExpressionEvaluation - did not produce a 
TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=262)
TestCombineHiveInputFormat - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=252)
TestCommandProcessorFactory - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=272)
TestCompactionTxnHandler - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestCompileProcessor - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestConditionalResolverCommonJoin - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=269)
TestConstantVectorExpression - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=262)
TestContext - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=260)
TestConvertAstToSearchArg - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=248)
TestCreateMacroDesc - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestCuckooSet - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestCustomPartitionVertex - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=264)
TestDataWritableReadSupport - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=249)
TestDataWritableWriter - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestDateTimeMath - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestDbTxnManager - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestDbTxnManager2 - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestDebugDisplay - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestDecimalUtil - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestDeepParquetHiveMapInspector - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=250)
TestDropMacroDesc - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestDummyTxnManager - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestDynamicMultiDimeCollection - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=255)
TestDynamicPartitionPruner - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=264)
TestETypeConverter - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestEmbeddedHiveMetaStore - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=195)
TestEmbeddedLockManager - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestErrorMsg - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestEvictingPriorityBlockingQueue - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=279)
TestExecDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestEximUtil - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestExplainTask - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestExpressionEvaluator - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestFileSinkOperator - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestFirstInFirstOutComparator - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=279)
TestFunctionRegistry - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenMapRedUtilsCreateConditionalTask - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file 
(likely timed out) (batchId=258)
TestGenMapRedUtilsUsePartitionColumnsNegative - did not produce a TEST-*.xml 
file (likely timed out) (batchId=258)
TestGenMapRedUtilsUsePartitionColumnsPositive - did not produce a TEST-*.xml 
file (likely timed out) (batchId=255)
TestGenTezWork - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDAFCorrelation - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=243)
TestGenericUDFAbs - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFAddMonths - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFAesDecrypt - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFAesEncrypt - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFBRound - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFBridge - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFCbrt - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFCeil - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFChr - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFConcat - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFDate - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFDateAdd - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFDateDiff - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFDateFormat - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFDateSub - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFDecode - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFEncode - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFFactorial - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFFloor - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFFromUtcTimestamp - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=243)
TestGenericUDFGreatest - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFInitCap - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFInternalInterval - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=241)
TestGenericUDFLTrim - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFLastDay - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFLeast - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFLevenshtein - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=242)
TestGenericUDFLpad - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFMacro - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFMapValues - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFMonthsBetween - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=244)
TestGenericUDFNextDay - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFNullif - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFOPDivide - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFOPMinus - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFOPMod - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFOPMultiply - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFOPNegative - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFOPPlus - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFOPPositive - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFPosMod - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFPower - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFPrintf - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFQuarter - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFRTrim - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFRegexp - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFReplace - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFRound - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFRpad - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFSha2 - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFSortArray - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFSortArrayByField - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=244)
TestGenericUDFSoundex - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFStringToMap - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=245)
TestGenericUDFSubstringIndex - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=245)
TestGenericUDFToUnixTimestamp - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=242)
TestGenericUDFTrim - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFTrunc - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestGenericUDFUtils - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestHCatDynamicPartitioned - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=177)
TestHCatExternalDynamicPartitioned - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=179)
TestHCatExternalPartitioned - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=176)
TestHCatMutableDynamicPartitioned - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=174)
TestHCatMutablePartitioned - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=178)
TestHCatStorer - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestHashPartition - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestHive - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=256)
TestHiveAuthorizationTaskFactory - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=254)
TestHiveBinarySearchRecordReader - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=250)
TestHiveCopyFiles - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestHiveCredentialProviders - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=258)
TestHiveDecimalParse - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestHiveFileFormatUtils - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestHiveInputOutputBuffer - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=252)
TestHiveInputSplitComparator - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=272)
TestHiveKVResultCache - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestHiveLockObject - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestHiveMetaStoreChecker - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestHiveMetaStoreWithEnvironmentContext - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file 
(likely timed out) (batchId=199)
TestHiveOperationType - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestHiveRemote - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestHiveSchemaConverter - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestHooks - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=268)
TestHostAffinitySplitLocationProvider - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file 
(likely timed out) (batchId=264)
TestIOContextMap - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestIUD - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=255)
TestIncrementalObjectSizeEstimator - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=279)
TestIndexType - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestInitiator - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestInputOutputFormat - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestLineageInfo - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestListBucketingPrunner - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestLlapDaemonProtocolServerImpl - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=279)
TestLlapOutputFormat - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestLlapSignerImpl - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestLlapTokenChecker - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestLlapWebServices - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestLog4j2Appenders - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestLowLevelCacheImpl - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestLowLevelLrfuCachePolicy - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=279)
TestMacroSemanticAnalyzer - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=253)
TestMapJoinEqualityTableContainer - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=266)
TestMapJoinKey - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestMapJoinMemoryExhaustionHandler - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=265)
TestMapJoinRowContainer - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestMapJoinTableContainer - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=266)
TestMapRedTask - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestMapStructures - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestMapWork - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=269)
TestMapredLocalTask - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestMapredParquetInputFormat - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=249)
TestMapredParquetOutputFormat - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=250)
TestMergeStatement - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestMetaStoreAuthorization - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=197)
TestMetaStoreEventListener - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=201)
TestMetastoreExpr - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestMetricsQueryLifeTimeHook - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=268)
TestNanoTimeUtils - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestNegativePartitionPrunerCompactExpr - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file 
(likely timed out) (batchId=255)
TestNestedColumnFieldPruningUtils - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=255)
TestNewInputOutputFormat - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestOperation2Privilege - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestOperatorNames - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestOperators - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestOrcFile - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=251)
TestOrcFileStripeMergeRecordReader - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=251)
TestOrcMetadataCache - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestOrcRawRecordMerger - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestOrcRecordUpdater - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestOrcSerDeStats - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestOrcSplitElimination - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestOrcStruct - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestPTFRowContainer - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestParquetByteInspector - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestParquetFilterPredicate - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=249)
TestParquetHiveArrayInspector - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=250)
TestParquetRecordReaderWrapper - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=250)
TestParquetRowGroupFilter - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=250)
TestParquetSerDe - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestParquetShortInspector - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=249)
TestParquetTimestampConverter - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=248)
TestParseDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestParseDriverIntervals - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestPartitionKeySampler - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestPerformTestRCFileAndSeqFile - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=251)
TestPlan - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=265)
TestPositivePartitionPrunerCompactExpr - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file 
(likely timed out) (batchId=255)
TestPrivilegesV1 - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestPrivilegesV2 - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestQBCompact - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestQBJoinTreeApplyPredicate - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=253)
TestQBSubQuery - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestQueryHooks - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestQueryIdentifier - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestRCFile - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=248)
TestReadEntityDirect - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestRecordIdentifier - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestRemoteHiveMetaStore - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestRemoteHiveMetaStoreIpAddress - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=191)
TestRemoteUGIHiveMetaStoreIpAddress - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=202)
TestReplicationSemanticAnalyzer - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=252)
TestReusableStringReader - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestRuleRegExp - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestSQL11ReservedKeyWordsNegative - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=254)
TestSQLStdHiveAccessControllerCLI - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=268)
TestSQLStdHiveAccessControllerHS2 - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=268)
TestSearchArgumentImpl - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestSemanticAnalyzer - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestSemanticAnalyzerFactory - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=252)
TestSessionState - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestSessionUserName - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestSetProcessor - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestSetUGIOnBothClientServer - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=194)
TestSetUGIOnOnlyClient - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestSetUGIOnOnlyServer - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestShortestJobFirstComparator - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=279)
TestSparkSessionManagerImpl - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=265)
TestSparkTask - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestSplitFilter - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestSplitSample - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestStandardParquetHiveMapInspector - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=250)
TestStorageFormatDescriptor - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=252)
TestStreamingAvg - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestStreamingMax - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestStreamingMin - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestStreamingSum - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestSymlinkTextInputFormat - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=250)
TestTableIterable - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestTaskExecutorService - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestTaskLogProcessor - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestTezProgressMonitor - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestTezSessionPool - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestTezTask - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=264)
TestTezWork - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=269)
TestTezWorkConcurrency - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestTimestampWritableAndColumnVector - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file 
(likely timed out) (batchId=260)
TestToInteger - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestTransactionStatement - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestTxnCommands - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestTxnCommands2 - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestTxnCommands2WithSplitUpdate - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=270)
TestTxnCommands2WithSplitUpdateAndVectorization - did not produce a TEST-*.xml 
file (likely timed out) (batchId=267)
TestTxnHandler - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestTxnHandlerNoConnectionPool - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=239)
TestUDFBase64 - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestUDFCrc32 - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestUDFDateFormatGranularity - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=246)
TestUDFHex - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=239)
TestUDFJson - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=246)
TestUDFMath - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=247)
TestUDFMd5 - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=247)
TestUDFSha1 - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=246)
TestUDFSign - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=240)
TestUDFUUID - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=247)
TestUDFUnbase64 - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestUDFUnhex - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestUDFVersion - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestUDFXPathUtil - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestUnaryMinus - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestUnpermittedCharsInColumnNameCreateTableNegative - did not produce a 
TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=253)
TestUpdateDeleteSemanticAnalyzer - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=253)
TestUtilities - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestVectorArithmeticExpressions - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=261)
TestVectorConditionalExpressions - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=261)
TestVectorDateExpressions - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=261)
TestVectorExpressionWriters - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=262)
TestVectorFilterExpressions - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=261)
TestVectorFilterOperator - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestVectorGenericDateExpressions - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=261)
TestVectorGroupByOperator - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=263)
TestVectorLimitOperator - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestVectorLogicalExpressions - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=261)
TestVectorMapJoinFastBytesHashMap - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=263)
TestVectorMapJoinFastBytesHashMultiSet - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file 
(likely timed out) (batchId=263)
TestVectorMapJoinFastBytesHashSet - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=263)
TestVectorMapJoinFastLongHashMap - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=263)
TestVectorMapJoinFastLongHashMultiSet - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file 
(likely timed out) (batchId=264)
TestVectorMapJoinFastLongHashSet - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=264)
TestVectorMapJoinFastRowHashMap - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=263)
TestVectorMapJoinRowBytesContainer - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=263)
TestVectorMathFunctions - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestVectorRowObject - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestVectorScalarColArithmetic - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=261)
TestVectorSelectOperator - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestVectorSerDeRow - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestVectorStringExpressions - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=262)
TestVectorTimestampExpressions - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=261)
TestVectorTypeCasts - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestVectorUDFAdaptor - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestVectorizationContext - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestVectorizedColumnReader - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed 
out) (batchId=249)
TestVectorizedDictionaryEncodingColumnReader - did not produce a TEST-*.xml 
file (likely timed out) (batchId=248)
TestVectorizedORCReader - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestVectorizedOrcAcidRowBatchReader - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=251)
TestVectorizedRowBatch - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestVectorizer - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestViewEntity - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestWorker - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=247)
TestWorker2 - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) (batchId=247)
TestZookeeperLockManager - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 

Test results: https://builds.apache.org/job/PreCommit-HIVE-Build/3878/testReport
Console output: https://builds.apache.org/job/PreCommit-HIVE-Build/3878/console
Test logs:

Executing org.apache.hive.ptest.execution.TestCheckPhase
Executing org.apache.hive.ptest.execution.PrepPhase
Executing org.apache.hive.ptest.execution.ExecutionPhase
Executing org.apache.hive.ptest.execution.ReportingPhase
Tests exited with: TestsFailedException: 324 tests failed

This message is automatically generated.

ATTACHMENT ID: 12855470 - PreCommit-HIVE-Build

> allow "0.23" shim creation for Hadoop 3
> ---------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-16081
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-16081
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: Sergey Shelukhin
>            Assignee: Sergey Shelukhin
>         Attachments: HIVE-16081.patch
> We only have one shim, so for now, we are going to use that. Hopefully we 
> won't need shims and build profiles for Hadoop 3

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