
Matt McCline updated HIVE-15335:
    Comment: was deleted

(was: Given that the ColumnVector family exposes public members (i.e. vector) 
of its classes, clients are at the compilation level.  They need to recompile 
each release.

If a client uses ORC to read vectorized (VectorizedRowBatch) then what use to 
be a internal non-shared data structure is now public.  What a mess.

I think the answer very well may be Hive and ORC are going to have to stay 
linked together.  We release them together.  The new feature is you can use ORC 
to read ORC files and don’t need to invoke Hive.   But ORC isn’t a fully 
separate project that can release separately.  It always has to release with 
its parent.

I suspect linked ORC and Hive releases and acknowledging client recompile for 
vectorized data will greatly reduce some incompatible API issues.  And, also 
look at somehow narrowing the storage vectorization data produced by readers 
like ORC.  That is what narrower part of HiveDecimal needs to stay the same so 
clients can recompile each time.  I'm still thinking about all of this...

> Fast Decimal
> ------------
>                 Key: HIVE-15335
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-15335
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Hive
>            Reporter: Matt McCline
>            Assignee: Matt McCline
>            Priority: Critical
>         Attachments: HIVE-15335.01.patch, HIVE-15335.02.patch, 
> HIVE-15335.03.patch, HIVE-15335.04.patch, HIVE-15335.05.patch, 
> HIVE-15335.06.patch, HIVE-15335.07.patch, HIVE-15335.08.patch, 
> HIVE-15335.09.patch, HIVE-15335.091.patch, HIVE-15335.092.patch, 
> HIVE-15335.093.patch, HIVE-15335.094.patch, HIVE-15335.095.patch, 
> HIVE-15335.096.patch
> Replace HiveDecimal implementation that currently represents the decimal 
> internally as a BigDecimal with a faster version that does not allocate extra 
> objects
> Replace HiveDecimalWritable implementation with a faster version that has new 
> mutable* calls (e.g. mutableAdd, mutableEnforcePrecisionScale, etc) and 
> stores the result as a fast decimal instead of a slow byte array containing a 
> serialized BigInteger.
> Provide faster ways to serialize/deserialize decimals.

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