
Hive QA commented on HIVE-14688:

Here are the results of testing the latest attachment:

{color:red}ERROR:{color} -1 due to no test(s) being added or modified.

{color:red}ERROR:{color} -1 due to 13 failed/errored test(s), 10803 tests 
*Failed tests:*
TestDerbyConnector - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestSparkCliDriver - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely timed out) 
TestVectorizedColumnReaderBase - did not produce a TEST-*.xml file (likely 
timed out) (batchId=251)
org.apache.hadoop.hive.cli.TestCliDriver.testCliDriver[sample2] (batchId=5)
org.apache.hadoop.hive.cli.TestCliDriver.testCliDriver[sample4] (batchId=15)
org.apache.hadoop.hive.cli.TestCliDriver.testCliDriver[sample6] (batchId=61)
org.apache.hadoop.hive.cli.TestCliDriver.testCliDriver[sample7] (batchId=60)
org.apache.hadoop.hive.cli.TestCliDriver.testCliDriver[sample9] (batchId=38)

Test results: https://builds.apache.org/job/PreCommit-HIVE-Build/2602/testReport
Console output: https://builds.apache.org/job/PreCommit-HIVE-Build/2602/console
Test logs:

Executing org.apache.hive.ptest.execution.TestCheckPhase
Executing org.apache.hive.ptest.execution.PrepPhase
Executing org.apache.hive.ptest.execution.ExecutionPhase
Executing org.apache.hive.ptest.execution.ReportingPhase
Tests exited with: TestsFailedException: 13 tests failed

This message is automatically generated.

ATTACHMENT ID: 12843504 - PreCommit-HIVE-Build

> Hive drop call fails in presence of TDE
> ---------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-14688
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-14688
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Security
>    Affects Versions: 1.2.1, 2.0.0
>            Reporter: Deepesh Khandelwal
>            Assignee: Wei Zheng
>         Attachments: HIVE-14688.1.patch
> In Hadoop 2.8.0 TDE trash collection was fixed through HDFS-8831. This 
> enables us to make drop table calls for Hive managed tables where Hive 
> metastore warehouse directory is in encrypted zone. However even with the 
> feature in HDFS, Hive drop table currently fail:
> {noformat}
> $ hdfs crypto -listZones
> /apps/hive/warehouse  key2 
> $ hdfs dfs -ls /apps/hive/warehouse
> Found 1 items
> drwxrwxrwt   - hdfs hdfs          0 2016-09-01 02:54 
> /apps/hive/warehouse/.Trash
> hive> create table abc(a string, b int);
> OK
> Time taken: 5.538 seconds
> hive> dfs -ls /apps/hive/warehouse;
> Found 2 items
> drwxrwxrwt   - hdfs   hdfs          0 2016-09-01 02:54 
> /apps/hive/warehouse/.Trash
> drwxrwxrwx   - deepesh hdfs          0 2016-09-01 17:15 
> /apps/hive/warehouse/abc
> hive> drop table if exists abc;
> FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from 
> org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask. MetaException(message:Unable to drop 
> default.abc because it is in an encryption zone and trash is enabled.  Use 
> PURGE option to skip trash.)
> {noformat}
> The problem lies here:
> {code:title=metastore/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/metastore/HiveMetaStore.java}
> private void checkTrashPurgeCombination(Path pathToData, String objectName, 
> boolean ifPurge)
> ...
>       if (trashEnabled) {
>         try {
>           HadoopShims.HdfsEncryptionShim shim =
> ShimLoader.getHadoopShims().createHdfsEncryptionShim(FileSystem.get(hiveConf),
>  hiveConf);
>           if (shim.isPathEncrypted(pathToData)) {
>             throw new MetaException("Unable to drop " + objectName + " 
> because it is in an encryption zone" +
>               " and trash is enabled.  Use PURGE option to skip trash.");
>           }
>         } catch (IOException ex) {
>           MetaException e = new MetaException(ex.getMessage());
>           e.initCause(ex);
>           throw e;
>         }
>       }
> {code}
> As we can see that we are making an assumption that delete wouldn't be 
> successful in encrypted zone. We need to modify this logic.

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