
liyunzhang_intel updated HIVE-15313:
According to 
 run queries in HOS16 and HOS20 in yarn mode.
Following table shows the difference in query time between HOS16 and HOS20.
||Version||Total time||Time for Jobs||Time for preparing jobs||

 HOS20 spends more time(2 secs) on preparing jobs than HOS16. After reviewing 
the source code of spark, found that following point causes this:
 In spark20, if spark cannot find spark.yarn.archive and spark.yarn.jars in 
spark configuration file, it will first copy all jars in $SPARK_HOME/jars to a 
tmp directory and upload the tmp directory to distribute cache. Comparing 
In spark16, it searches spark-assembly*.jar and upload it to distribute cache.

In spark20, it spends 2 more seconds to copy all jars in $SPARK_HOME/jar to a 
tmp directory if we don't set "spark.yarn.archive" or "spark.yarn.jars".

We can accelerate the startup of hive on spark 20 by settintg 
"spark.yarn.archive" or "spark.yarn.jars":
set "spark.yarn.archive":
 zip spark-archive.zip $SPARK_HOME/jars/*
$ hadoop fs -copyFromLocal spark-archive.zip 
$ echo "spark.yarn.archive=hdfs:///xxx:8020/spark-archive.zip" >> 
set "spark.yarn.jars":
$ hadoop fs mkdir spark-2.0.0-bin-hadoop 
$hadoop fs -copyFromLocal $SPARK_HOME/jars/* spark-2.0.0-bin-hadoop 
$ echo "spark.yarn.jars=hdfs:///xxx:8020/spark-2.0.0-bin-hadoop/*" >> 

Suggest to add this part in wiki.

performance.improvement.after.set.spark.yarn.archive.PNG shows the detail 
performance impovement after setting spark.yarn.archive in small queries.

According to 
 run queries in HOS16 and HOS20 in yarn mode.
Following table shows the difference in query time between HOS16 and HOS20.
||Version||Total time||Time for Jobs||Time for preparing jobs||

 HOS20 spends more time(2 secs) on preparing jobs than HOS16. After reviewing 
the source code of spark, found that following point causes this:
 In spark20, if spark cannot find spark.yarn.archive and spark.yarn.jars in 
spark configuration file, it will first copy all jars in $SPARK_HOME/jars to a 
tmp directory and upload the tmp directory to distribute cache. Comparing 
In spark16, it searches spark-assembly*.jar and upload it to distribute cache.

In spark20, it spends 2 more seconds to copy all jars in $SPARK_HOME/jar to a 
tmp directory if we don't set "spark.yarn.archive" or "spark.yarn.jars".

We can accelerate the startup of hive on spark 20 by settintg 
"spark.yarn.archive" or "spark.yarn.jars":
set "spark.yarn.archive":
 zip spark-archive.zip $SPARK_HOME/jars/*
$ hadoop fs -copyFromLocal spark-archive.zip 
$ echo "spark.yarn.archive=hdfs:///xxx:8020/spark-archive.zip" >> 
set "spark.yarn.jars":
$ hadoop fs mkdir spark-2.0.0-bin-hadoop 
$hadoop fs -copyFromLocal $SPARK_HOME/jars/* spark-2.0.0-bin-hadoop 
$ echo "spark.yarn.jars=hdfs:///xxx:8020/spark-2.0.0-bin-hadoop/*" >> 

Suggest to add this part in wiki.

> Add export spark.yarn.archive or spark.yarn.jars variable in Hive on Spark 
> document
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-15313
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-15313
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: liyunzhang_intel
>            Priority: Minor
>         Attachments: performance.improvement.after.set.spark.yarn.archive.PNG
> According to 
> [wiki|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/Hive+on+Spark%3A+Getting+Started],
>  run queries in HOS16 and HOS20 in yarn mode.
> Following table shows the difference in query time between HOS16 and HOS20.
> ||Version||Total time||Time for Jobs||Time for preparing jobs||
> |Spark16|51|39|12|
> |Spark20|54|40|14| 
>  HOS20 spends more time(2 secs) on preparing jobs than HOS16. After reviewing 
> the source code of spark, found that following point causes this:
> code:[Client#distribute|https://github.com/apache/spark/blob/master/yarn/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/yarn/Client.scala#L546],
>  In spark20, if spark cannot find spark.yarn.archive and spark.yarn.jars in 
> spark configuration file, it will first copy all jars in $SPARK_HOME/jars to 
> a tmp directory and upload the tmp directory to distribute cache. Comparing 
> [spark16|https://github.com/apache/spark/blob/branch-1.6/yarn/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/yarn/Client.scala#L1145],
> In spark16, it searches spark-assembly*.jar and upload it to distribute cache.
> In spark20, it spends 2 more seconds to copy all jars in $SPARK_HOME/jar to a 
> tmp directory if we don't set "spark.yarn.archive" or "spark.yarn.jars".
> We can accelerate the startup of hive on spark 20 by settintg 
> "spark.yarn.archive" or "spark.yarn.jars":
> set "spark.yarn.archive":
> {code}
>  zip spark-archive.zip $SPARK_HOME/jars/*
> $ hadoop fs -copyFromLocal spark-archive.zip 
> $ echo "spark.yarn.archive=hdfs:///xxx:8020/spark-archive.zip" >> 
> conf/spark-defaults.conf
> {code}
> set "spark.yarn.jars":
> {code}
> $ hadoop fs mkdir spark-2.0.0-bin-hadoop 
> $hadoop fs -copyFromLocal $SPARK_HOME/jars/* spark-2.0.0-bin-hadoop 
> $ echo "spark.yarn.jars=hdfs:///xxx:8020/spark-2.0.0-bin-hadoop/*" >> 
> conf/spark-defaults.conf
> {code}
> Suggest to add this part in wiki.
> performance.improvement.after.set.spark.yarn.archive.PNG shows the detail 
> performance impovement after setting spark.yarn.archive in small queries.

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