
Hive QA commented on HIVE-14259:

Here are the results of testing the latest attachment:

{color:red}ERROR:{color} -1 due to build exiting with an error

Test results: 
Console output: 
Test logs: 

**** This message was trimmed, see log for full details ****
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory 
[INFO] Copying 3 resources
[INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (setup-test-dirs) @ hive-storage-api ---
[INFO] Executing tasks

    [mkdir] Created dir: 
    [mkdir] Created dir: 
    [mkdir] Created dir: 
     [copy] Copying 15 files to 
[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ 
hive-storage-api ---
[INFO] Compiling 7 source files to 
[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.16:test (default-test) @ hive-storage-api ---
[INFO] Tests are skipped.
[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.2:jar (default-jar) @ hive-storage-api ---
[INFO] Building jar: 
[INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.3:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ 
hive-storage-api ---
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ 
hive-storage-api ---
[INFO] Installing 
[INFO] Installing 
/data/hive-ptest/working/apache-github-source-source/storage-api/pom.xml to 
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Hive ORC 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ hive-orc ---
[INFO] Deleting /data/hive-ptest/working/apache-github-source-source/orc/target
[INFO] Deleting /data/hive-ptest/working/apache-github-source-source/orc 
(includes = [datanucleus.log, derby.log], excludes = [])
[INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.3.1:enforce (enforce-no-snapshots) @ 
hive-orc ---
[INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.8:add-source (add-source) @ hive-orc ---
[INFO] Source directory: 
[INFO] --- maven-remote-resources-plugin:1.5:process (default) @ hive-orc ---
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ hive-orc 
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory 
[INFO] Copying 3 resources
[INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (define-classpath) @ hive-orc ---
[INFO] Executing tasks

[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) @ hive-orc ---
[INFO] Compiling 71 source files to 
 Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
 Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
 uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
 Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ 
hive-orc ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 7 resources
[INFO] Copying 3 resources
[INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (setup-test-dirs) @ hive-orc ---
[INFO] Executing tasks

    [mkdir] Created dir: 
    [mkdir] Created dir: 
    [mkdir] Created dir: 
     [copy] Copying 15 files to 
[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ 
hive-orc ---
[INFO] Compiling 31 source files to 
 Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
 Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.16:test (default-test) @ hive-orc ---
[INFO] Tests are skipped.
[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.2:jar (default-jar) @ hive-orc ---
[INFO] Building jar: 
[INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.3:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ 
hive-orc ---
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ hive-orc ---
[INFO] Installing 
[INFO] Installing 
/data/hive-ptest/working/apache-github-source-source/orc/pom.xml to 
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Hive Common 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ hive-common ---
[INFO] Deleting 
[INFO] Deleting /data/hive-ptest/working/apache-github-source-source/common 
(includes = [datanucleus.log, derby.log], excludes = [])
[INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.3.1:enforce (enforce-no-snapshots) @ 
hive-common ---
[INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (generate-version-annotation) @ 
hive-common ---
[INFO] Executing tasks

[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.8:add-source (add-source) @ hive-common 
[INFO] Source directory: 
/data/hive-ptest/working/apache-github-source-source/common/src/gen added.
[INFO] --- maven-remote-resources-plugin:1.5:process (default) @ hive-common ---
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ 
hive-common ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 2 resources
[INFO] Copying 3 resources
[INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (define-classpath) @ hive-common ---
[INFO] Executing tasks

[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) @ hive-common ---
[INFO] Compiling 87 source files to 
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
 cannot find symbol
  symbol:   class Set
  location: class org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.FileUtils
[INFO] 1 error
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] Hive .............................................. SUCCESS [2.638s]
[INFO] Hive Shims Common ................................. SUCCESS [3.787s]
[INFO] Hive Shims 0.23 ................................... SUCCESS [2.027s]
[INFO] Hive Shims Scheduler .............................. SUCCESS [0.690s]
[INFO] Hive Shims ........................................ SUCCESS [0.327s]
[INFO] Hive Storage API .................................. SUCCESS [0.873s]
[INFO] Hive ORC .......................................... SUCCESS [4.991s]
[INFO] Hive Common ....................................... FAILURE [3.105s]
[INFO] Hive Service RPC .................................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Hive Serde ........................................ SKIPPED
[INFO] Hive Metastore .................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Hive Ant Utilities ................................ SKIPPED
[INFO] Hive Llap Common .................................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Hive Llap Client .................................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Hive Llap Tez ..................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Spark Remote Client ............................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Hive Query Language ............................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Hive Llap Server .................................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Hive Service ...................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Hive Accumulo Handler ............................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Hive JDBC ......................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Hive Beeline ...................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Hive CLI .......................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Hive Contrib ...................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Hive HBase Handler ................................ SKIPPED
[INFO] Hive HCatalog ..................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Hive HCatalog Core ................................ SKIPPED
[INFO] Hive HCatalog Pig Adapter ......................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Hive HCatalog Server Extensions ................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Hive HCatalog Webhcat Java Client ................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Hive HCatalog Webhcat ............................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Hive HCatalog Streaming ........................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Hive HPL/SQL ...................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Hive HWI .......................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Hive Llap External Client ......................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Hive Shims Aggregator ............................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Hive TestUtils .................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Hive Packaging .................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 19.313s
[INFO] Finished at: Mon Aug 01 02:20:21 UTC 2016
[INFO] Final Memory: 66M/650M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) on 
project hive-common: Compilation failure
 cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   class Set
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.FileUtils
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e 
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please 
read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1] 
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR]   mvn <goals> -rf :hive-common
+ exit 1

This message is automatically generated.

ATTACHMENT ID: 12821159 - PreCommit-HIVE-MASTER-Build

> FileUtils.isSubDir may return incorrect result
> ----------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-14259
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-14259
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: Zoltan Haindrich
>            Assignee: Zoltan Haindrich
>            Priority: Minor
>         Attachments: HIVE-14259.1.patch, HIVE-14259.2.patch, 
> HIVE-14259.3.patch
>  while I was working on HIVE-12244 i've looked around for utility 
> methods...i've found this method; but it considers path: `/dir12` inside 
> `/dir1`
> which is not true

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