
Daniel Dai updated HIVE-14282:
    Summary: HCatLoader ToDate() exception with hive partition table 
,partitioned by column of DATE datatype  (was: Pig ToDate() exception with hive 
partition table ,partitioned by column of DATE datatype)

> HCatLoader ToDate() exception with hive partition table ,partitioned by 
> column of DATE datatype
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-14282
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-14282
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 1.2.1
>         Environment: PIG Version : (0.15.0) 
> HIVE : 1.2.1
> OS Version : CentOS release 6.7 (Final)
> OS Kernel : 2.6.32-573.18.1.el6.x86_64
>            Reporter: Raghavender Rao Guruvannagari
>            Assignee: Daniel Dai
> ToDate() function doesnt work with a partitioned table, partitioned by the 
> column of DATE Datatype.
> Below are the steps I followed to recreate the problem.
> -->Sample input file to hive table :
> hdfs@testhost ~$ cat test.log 
> 2012-06-13,16:11:17,574,,SearchPage,Google.com,Win8,5,HTC
> 2012-06-13,16:11:17,466,,Electronics,Google.com,Win8,3,iPhone
> 2012-06-13,16:11:17,501,,Appliances,Google.com,Android,4,iPhone
> 2012-06-13,16:11:17,469,,Recommendations,Google.com,Win8,5,HTC
> 2012-06-13,16:11:17,557,,Sporting,Google.com,Win8,3,Samsung
> 2012-06-13,16:11:17,449,,ShoppingCart,Google.com,Win8,5,HTC
> 2012-06-13,16:11:17,502,,Electronics,Google.com,Android,5,Samsung
> 2012-06-13,16:11:17,554,,Automotive,Google.com,Win8,5,HTC
> 2012-06-13,16:11:17,447,,DetailPage,Google.com,Win8,3,Samsung
> 2012-06-13,16:11:17,490,,ShoppingCart,Google.com,Win8,3,iPhone
> 2012-06-13,16:11:17,578,,Automotive,Google.com,Win8,5,Samsung
> 2012-06-13,16:11:17,435,,HomePage,Google.com,Web,5,Chrome
> 2012-06-13,16:11:17,523,,Recommendations,Google.com,Web,3,IE9
> 2012-06-13,16:11:17,575,,Appliances,Google.com,iOS,3,iPhone
> 2012-06-13,16:11:17,468,,SearchPage,Google.com,iOS,5,HTC
> 2012-06-13,16:11:17,511,,ShoppingCart,Google.com,iOS,5,Samsung
> --> Copied to hdfs directory:
> hdfs@testhost ~$ hdfs dfs -put -f test.log /user/hdfs/
> -->Create partitoned table (partitioned with date data type column) in hive:
> 0: jdbc:hive2://hdp2.raghav.com:10000/default> create table mytable(Dt 
> STRING,Visit INT,PhModel STRING) row format delimited fields terminated by 
> ',' stored as textfile;
> 0: jdbc:hive2://testhost.com:10000/default> load data inpath 
> '/user/hdfs/test.log' overwrite into table mytable;
> 0: jdbc:hive2://testhost..com:10000/default> SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition 
> = true;
> 0: jdbc:hive2://testhost.com:10000/default> SET 
> hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode = nonstrict;
> 0: jdbc:hive2://testhost.com:10000/default> create table partmytable(Number 
> STRING) partitioned by (Dt DATE,Time STRING) row format delimited fields 
> terminated by ',' stored as textfile;
> 0: jdbc:hive2://testhost.com:10000/default> insert overwrite table 
> partmytable partition(Dt,Time) select 
> Number,IPAddr,Type,Site,OSType,Visit,PhModel,Dt,Time from mytable;
> 0: jdbc:hive2://hdp2.raghav.com:10000/default> describe partmytable;
> --> Try to filter with ToDate function which fails with error:
> hdfs@testhost ~$ pig -useHCatalog
> grunt>
> grunt> temp = LOAD 'partmytable' using 
> org.apache.hive.hcatalog.pig.HCatLoader();
> grunt> temp1 = FILTER temp by dt == ToDate('2012-06-13','yyyy-MM-dd');
> grunt> dump temp1;
> -->Try to filter the normal table with same statement works;
> grunt>
> grunt> temp = LOAD 'mytable' using org.apache.hive.hcatalog.pig.HCatLoader();
> grunt> temp1 = FILTER temp by dt == ToDate('2012-06-13','yyyy-MM-dd');
> grunt> dump temp1;
> Workaround :
> Use below statement instead of direct ToDate();
> grunt>temp1 = FILTER temp5 by DaysBetween(dt,(datetime)ToDate('2012-06-13', 
> 'yyyy-MM-dd')) >=(long)0 AND DaysBetween(dt,(datetime)ToDate('2012-06-13', 
> 'yyyy-MM-dd')) <=(long)0;

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