
Vaibhav Gumashta commented on HIVE-7224:

[~stakiar] There seems to be an issue with the column width estimation when 
incremental printing is enabled by default. An example:
With incremental true:
| search_engine   | string          |                 |
| exclude_hit     | string          |                 |
| hier1           | string          |                 |
| hier2           | string          |                 |
| hier3           | string          |                 |
| hier4           | string          |                 |
| hier5           | string          |                 |
| browser         | string          |                 |
| post_browser_height | string          |                 |
| post_browser_width | string          |                 |
| post_cookies    | string          |                 |
| post_java_enabled | string          |                 |
| post_persistent_cookie | string          |                 |
| color           | string          |                 |
| connection_type | string          |                 |
| country         | string          |                 |
| domain          | string          |                 |
| post_t_time_info | string          |                 |
| javascript      | string          |                 |
| language        | string          |                 |
| os              | string          |                 |
| plugins         | string          |                 |
| resolution      | string          |                 |
| last_hit_time_gmt | string          |                 |
| first_hit_time_gmt | string          |                 |
| visit_start_time_gmt | string          |                 |
| last_purchase_time_gmt | string          |                 |
|    col_name     |    data_type    |     comment     |
| last_purchase_num | string          |                 |
| first_hit_page_url | string          |                 |
| first_hit_pagename | string          |                 |
| visit_start_page_url | string          |                 |
| visit_start_pagename | string          |                 |
| first_hit_referrer | string          |                 |
| visit_referrer  | string          |                 |
| visit_search_engine | string          |                 |
| visit_num       | string          |                 |
| visit_page_num  | string          |                 |
| prev_page       | string          |                 |
| geo_city        | string          |                 |
| geo_country     | string          |                 |
| geo_region      | string          |                 |
| duplicate_purchase | string          |                 |

With incremental false:
| search_engine            | string                |                       |
| exclude_hit              | string                |                       |
| hier1                    | string                |                       |
| hier2                    | string                |                       |
| hier3                    | string                |                       |
| hier4                    | string                |                       |
| hier5                    | string                |                       |
| browser                  | string                |                       |
| post_browser_height      | string                |                       |
| post_browser_width       | string                |                       |
| post_cookies             | string                |                       |
| post_java_enabled        | string                |                       |
| post_persistent_cookie   | string                |                       |
| color                    | string                |                       |
| connection_type          | string                |                       |
| country                  | string                |                       |
| domain                   | string                |                       |
| post_t_time_info         | string                |                       |
| javascript               | string                |                       |
| language                 | string                |                       |
| os                       | string                |                       |
| plugins                  | string                |                       |
| resolution               | string                |                       |
| last_hit_time_gmt        | string                |                       |
| first_hit_time_gmt       | string                |                       |
| visit_start_time_gmt     | string                |                       |
| last_purchase_time_gmt   | string                |                       |
|         col_name         |       data_type       |        comment        |
| last_purchase_num        | string                |                       |
| first_hit_page_url       | string                |                       |
| first_hit_pagename       | string                |                       |
| visit_start_page_url     | string                |                       |
| visit_start_pagename     | string                |                       |
| first_hit_referrer       | string                |                       |
| visit_referrer           | string                |                       |
| visit_search_engine      | string                |                       |
| visit_num                | string                |                       |
| visit_page_num           | string                |                       |
| prev_page                | string                |                       |
| geo_city                 | string                |                       |
| geo_country              | string                |                       |
| geo_region               | string                |                       |
| duplicate_purchase       | string                |                       |

I think we'll need to fix this before we can get this in.

> Set incremental printing to true by default in Beeline
> ------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-7224
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-7224
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Clients, JDBC
>    Affects Versions: 0.13.0, 1.0.0, 1.2.0, 1.1.0
>            Reporter: Vaibhav Gumashta
>            Assignee: Sahil Takiar
>         Attachments: HIVE-7224.1.patch, HIVE-7224.2.patch, HIVE-7224.2.patch, 
> HIVE-7224.3.patch
> See HIVE-7221.
> By default beeline tries to buffer the entire output relation before printing 
> it on stdout. This can cause OOM when the output relation is large. However, 
> beeline has the option of incremental prints. We should keep that as the 
> default.

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