
Sergio Peña commented on HIVE-14063:

[~szehon] The --property-file parameter already exists on beeline. I think 
Vihang was saying that users can still use such property to pass the same 
properties file we will fix here.

I was thinking that we could also add more default locations besides HIVE_CONF, 
such as $HOME/.hive? This way users can have its own file with url and password 
instead of a general available only on HIVE_CONF. 

Also, what about renaming the file to be something like 'hive.cnf', or 
'hive.conf', or 'beeline.cnf', or other different than .properties? properties 
sounds more like a Java properties file than a Hive configuration file. We can 
use this configuration file for future features too.

> beeline to auto connect to the HiveServer2
> ------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-14063
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-14063
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Beeline
>            Reporter: Vihang Karajgaonkar
>            Assignee: Vihang Karajgaonkar
>            Priority: Minor
> Currently one has to give an jdbc:hive2 url in order for Beeline to connect a 
> hiveserver2 instance. It would be great if Beeline can get the info somehow 
> (from a properties file at a well-known location?) and connect automatically 
> if user doesn't specify such a url. If the properties file is not present, 
> then beeline would expect user to provide the url and credentials using 
> !connect or ./beeline -u .. commands
> While Beeline is flexible (being a mere JDBC client), most environments would 
> have just a single HS2. Having users to manually connect into this via either 
> "beeline ~/.propsfile" or -u or !connect statements is lowering the 
> experience part.

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