
Naveen Gangam commented on HIVE-13749:

Oops just posted the patch to RB (https://reviews.apache.org/r/47918/) at the 
same time as this comment.
1) Isnt the shutdown() called when a HMS request is fulfilled and the executor 
thread is being released back to the pool? So any new calls would potentially 
have a new UGI and a new instance of HiveConf. Also, calling closeAll() just 
removes the cached element. At worst, the FileSystem object is re-cached on a 
2) The other fixes are to address a similar issue on the HS2 side where using 
the FileSystem APIs causes the Cache to grow. This issue is on the HMS side.
Regarding reproducing this locally, yes and no. I ran 100's of iterations of 
beeline executing a script that create a table and then drops it while randomly 
toggling the value of a hive conf property. For 300 iterations, I have gotten 
it to retain 60 instances which is not quite the same success as the customer 
is having. I think because of my test being run as a single user. Re-running 
the test with this fix, I have 8 instances retained but none in this particular 
I have run with debug around this code and during the drop table command, I can 
see an element being added to the cache. I am also waiting for logs from this 
customer who is running with some instrumentation + fix. I can confirm that 
from those logs too.

Alternatively, in checkTrashPurgeCombination() we could add a close() to this 
FileSystem. In my testcase, this has been the primary reason for the retained 
          HadoopShims.HdfsEncryptionShim shim =

Thoughts? Thanks

> Memory leak in Hive Metastore
> -----------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-13749
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-13749
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Metastore
>    Affects Versions: 1.1.0
>            Reporter: Naveen Gangam
>            Assignee: Naveen Gangam
>         Attachments: HIVE-13749.patch, Top_Consumers7.html
> Looking a heap dump of 10GB, a large number of Configuration objects(> 66k 
> instances) are being retained. These objects along with its retained set is 
> occupying about 95% of the heap space. This leads to HMS crashes every few 
> days.
> I will attach an exported snapshot from the eclipse MAT.

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