
Sergey Shelukhin updated HIVE-13279:
    Fix Version/s:     (was: 2.0.1)

> SHOW TABLE EXTENDED doesn't show the correct lastUpdateTime of partition's 
> file system
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-13279
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-13279
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Hive
>    Affects Versions: 1.0.0
>            Reporter: Aleksey Vovchenko
>            Assignee: Aleksey Vovchenko
>         Attachments: HIVE-13279.2.patch, HIVE-13279.patch
> h2. STEP 1. Create test Tables
> Execute in command line:
> {noformat} 
> nano test.data
> {noformat} 
> Add to file:
> {noformat}
> 1,aa
> 2,aa
> 3,ff
> 4,sad
> 5,adsf
> 6,adsf
> 7,affss
> {noformat}
> {noformat}
> hadoop fs -put test.data /
> {noformat} 
> {noformat}
> hive> create table test (x int, y string, z string) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED 
> hive> create table ptest(x int, y string) partitioned by(z string); 
> hive> LOAD DATA  INPATH '/test.data' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE test;
> hive> insert overwrite table ptest partition(z=65) select * from test;
> hive> insert overwrite table ptest partition(z=67) select * from test;
> {noformat}
> h2. STEP 2. Compare lastUpdateTime
> Execute in Hive shell:
> {noformat}
> hive> SHOW TABLE EXTENDED FROM default LIKE 'ptest' PARTITION(z='65');
> hive> SHOW TABLE EXTENDED FROM default LIKE 'ptest' PARTITION(z='67');
> {noformat}
> lastUpdateTime should be different.
> h2. STEP 3. Put data into hdfs and compare lastUpdateTime
> Execute in command line:
> {noformat}
> hadoop fs -put test.data /user/hive/warehouse/ptest
> {noformat}
> Execute in Hive shell:
> {noformat}
> hive> SHOW TABLE EXTENDED FROM default LIKE 'ptest' PARTITION(z='65');
> hive> SHOW TABLE EXTENDED FROM default LIKE 'ptest' PARTITION(z='67');
> {noformat}
> lastUpdateTime should be different but they are same.

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