
Ping Lu updated HIVE-13228:
    Attachment:     (was: execution2.txt)

> when set hive.auto.convert.join and hive.optimize.skewjoin to true, the 
> SELECT query which contains 3-way join is not properly executed
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-13228
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-13228
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 0.13.1, 2.0.0
>         Environment: Hadoop2.4.0 Hive0.13.1/2.0.0
>            Reporter: Ping Lu
>            Assignee: Ping Lu
>         Attachments: explain2.txt, explain3.txt
> when set hive.auto.convert.join and hive.optimize.skewjoin to true, the 
> SELECT query which contains 3-way join(like the following Query1) is not 
> properly executed. According to hive execution logs, the query ran finished 
> without any errors, but didn’t return any results. If I set 
> hive.optimize.skewjoin to false, or set hive.auto.convert.join to false and  
> hive.optimize.skewjoin to true, the SELECT query can both execute properly 
> and return correct results. 
> Steps to reproduce
> Prepare: 
> create three test tables and load data 
>       create table test1(col1 string,col2 string) row format delimited fields 
> terminated by "\t";
>       create table test2(col1 string,col2 string) row format delimited fields 
> terminated by "\t";
>       create table test3(col1 string,col2 string) row format delimited fields 
> terminated by "\t";
>       load data local inpath "test1" into table test1;  //11870882 rows
>       load data local inpath "test2" into table test2;  //11870882 rows
>       load data local inpath "test3" into table test3;  //11870882 rows
> Query1: SELECT query got wrong result
>       set hive.optimize.skewjoin = true;
>       set hive.auto.convert.join = true;
> select
>               t1.col1
>       from
>               test1 t1
>       join
>               test2 t2
>       on t1.col1 = t2.col1
>       join
>               test3 t3
>       on t1.col2 = t3.col1
>       ;
> Query2: SELECT query got correct result
>       set hive.optimize.skewjoin = false;
>       set hive.auto.convert.join = true;
> select
>               t1.col1
>       from
>               test1 t1
>       join
>               test2 t2
>       on t1.col1 = t2.col1
>       join
>               test3 t3
>       on t1.col2 = t3.col1
>       ;
> the execute plan for Query1 names explain1.txt .
> the hive execution logs for Query1: SELECT statement names execution1.txt .
> the execute plan for the Query2 names explain2.txt .
> the hive execution logs for Query2 names execution2.txt .

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