
Naveen Gangam commented on HIVE-11072:

[~spena] This test will not be run on every patch. Currently it is weaved into 
the same script that does the HMS schema upgrade test. So its only run when 
there is a change to the HMS schema. So the schema upgrade and validation tests 
run together.
For example:
1) Install hive 0.13 schema --> generate test data hive 0.13 schema tables and 
insert them into DB.
2) Upgrade schema to hive 0.14 by running the hive-upgrade-0.13-0.14 schema 
file --> validate that test data inserted in step 1 for hive 0.13 still exists 
then generate test data for new elements in hive-upgrade-0.13-0.14 and 
insert/update DB.
iterate until we have reached the last schema upgrade file.

Hope this helps. Thanks

> Add data validation between Hive metastore upgrades tests
> ---------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-11072
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-11072
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Task
>          Components: Tests
>            Reporter: Sergio Peña
>            Assignee: Naveen Gangam
>         Attachments: HIVE-11072.1.patch, HIVE-11072.2.patch, 
> HIVE-11072.3.patch
> An existing Hive metastore upgrade test is running on Hive jenkins. However, 
> these scripts do test only database schema upgrade, not data validation 
> between upgrades.
> We should validate data between metastore version upgrades. Using data 
> validation, we may ensure that data won't be damaged, or corrupted when 
> upgrading the Hive metastore.

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