
László Bodor updated HIVE-28638:
    Summary: LLAP: Refactor stats handling in StatsRecordingThreadPool  (was: 
Refactor stats handling in StatsRecordingThreadPool)

> LLAP: Refactor stats handling in StatsRecordingThreadPool
> ---------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-28638
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-28638
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>      Security Level: Public(Viewable by anyone) 
>            Reporter: László Bodor
>            Assignee: László Bodor
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: pull-request-available
>             Fix For: 4.1.0
> File system statistics in LLAP is handled like:
> 1. get all statistics before task callable (contains thread local), using 
> FileSystem.getAllStatistics()
> 2. if more than one entry belongs to the same scheme, it's merged
> 3. run task
> 4. get all statistics again, and subtract the pre-state, considering the 
> possibility of multiple Statistics object for the same scheme
> this logic is currently tightly coupled with the StatsRecordingThreadPool, 
> which calls to LlapUtil, so it's not testable at all, and pollutes both 
> StatsRecordingThreadPool and LlapUtil, not to mention that the exposed stat 
> fields (bytesRead, bytesWritten, ...) are also present in different classes, 
> which makes them harder to maintain
> the whole before/after logic can be moved to a separate class, which can hold 
> the statistics as its state, making StatsRecordingThreadPool much cleaner

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