
ASF GitHub Bot updated HIVE-28620:
    Labels: pull-request-available  (was: )

> Query result is cached in case of IOWD if the subquery is not trivial
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-28620
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-28620
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Bug
>      Security Level: Public(Viewable by anyone) 
>            Reporter: László Bodor
>            Assignee: László Bodor
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: pull-request-available
> HIVE-25907 fixed a case when an insert overwrite directory didn't write the 
> data to the final path when the query results cache was enabled. The solution 
> was implemented by checking the QB.parseInfo at a certain point in the 
> semantic analysis and writing/reading a flag to a QB instance. The problem is 
> that depending on the query (which produces the data to be inserted) can be 
> of different complexity, and HIVE-25907 only took care of queries like:
> {code}
> INSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY "<destination directory>" SELECT * FROM iowd;
> {code}
> but for queries like this:
> {code}
> (a11.UNIT_PRICE - a11.DISCOUNT)))  WJXBFS1,sum((a11.QTY_SOLD * 
> a11.UNIT_COST)) WJXBFS2 from ORDER_DETAIL a11 join LU_ITEM a12 on  
> (a11.ITEM_ID = a12.ITEM_ID) join LU_SUBCATEG a13 on  (a12.SUBCAT_ID = 
> a13.SUBCAT_ID) join LU_CATEGORY a14 on  (a13.CATEGORY_ID = a14.CATEGORY_ID) 
> group by a13.CATEGORY_ID, a12.SUBCAT_ID;
> {code}
> it doesn't work. The root cause is that the flag is set in [one QB 
> instance|https://github.com/apache/hive/blob/883d5dfe25929ba5dcac635e752adf5561d28402/ql/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/parse/SemanticAnalyzer.java#L1836],
>  but during the plan generation, genPlan is recursively called, moreover, 
> this.qb doesn't refer to the main/root QB all the time, as 
> [setQB|https://github.com/apache/hive/blob/883d5dfe25929ba5dcac635e752adf5561d28402/ql/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/parse/SemanticAnalyzer.java#L12435]
>  is called at every step, so when iterating and reaching the file sink 
> generation plan, the QB instance passed is not the same as the one on which 
> the isInsertOverwriteDirectory flag was set.
> I propose to pass the root QB along with the current subquery's QB for 
> further usage so file sink generation can decide whether to use the query 
> result cache by using the root QB (where we set the flag, so marked this 
> whole query an insert overwrite directory). This solution doesn't need to 
> "clone" the flag value into the sub-QBs.
> When this issue is present, an EXPLAIN EXTENDED can reveal the strange 
> strategy of a query when result cache is enabled, here is a snippet:
> {code}
> |         Reducer 5                                  |
> ...
> |                   File Output Operator             |
> |                     bucketingVersion: 2            |
> |                     compressed: false              |
> |                     GlobalTableId: 0               |
> |                     directory: 
> file:/efs/tmp/hive/_resultscache_/results-c7e3efee-ce91-41f5-9ce3-f95ec4d23f66/0de7c837-2868-4441-90ac-40c35a2f1d8d/.hive-staging_hive_2024-11-09_16-27-23_402_2565121622084463581-8/-ext-10000
>  |
> |                     NumFilesPerFileSink: 1         |
> |                     Statistics: Num rows: 3892258870 Data size: 46678382057 
> Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE |
> |                     Stats Publishing Key Prefix: 
> file:/efs/tmp/hive/_resultscache_/results-c7e3efee-ce91-41f5-9ce3-f95ec4d23f66/0de7c837-2868-4441-90ac-40c35a2f1d8d/.hive-staging_hive_2024-11-09_16-27-23_402_2565121622084463581-8/-ext-10000/
>  |
> |                     table:                         |
> |                         input format: 
> org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat |
> |                         output format: 
> org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat |
> |                         properties:                |
> |                           bucketing_version -1     |
> |                           columns _col0,_col1,_col2,_col3,_col4,_col5 |
> |                           columns.types int:string:int:string:double:double 
> |
> |                           serialization.format 1   |
> |                           serialization.lib 
> org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe |
> |                         serde: 
> org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe |
> |                     TotalFiles: 1                  |
> |                     GatherStats: false             |
> |                     MultiFileSpray: false          |
> |                                                    |
> |   Stage: Stage-2                                   |
> |     Dependency Collection                          |
> |                                                    |
> |   Stage: Stage-0                                   |
> |     Move Operator                                  |
> |       files:                                       |
> |           hdfs directory: true                     |
> |           source: 
> file:/efs/tmp/hive/_resultscache_/results-c7e3efee-ce91-41f5-9ce3-f95ec4d23f66/0de7c837-2868-4441-90ac-40c35a2f1d8d/.hive-staging_hive_2024-11-09_16-27-23_402_2565121622084463581-8/-ext-10000
>  |
> |           destination: 
> file:/efs/tmp/hive/_resultscache_/results-c7e3efee-ce91-41f5-9ce3-f95ec4d23f66/0de7c837-2868-4441-90ac-40c35a2f1d8d
>  |
> |                                                    |
> +----------------------------------------------------+
> {code}
> as in compile-time the IOWD query was considered cacheable, the 
> FileSinkOperator ended up writing to the query result cache, then the 
> MoveTask moved to the final path, which is also in the query cache, instead 
> of the expected folder '/tmp' in this example
> so not only does the output hit the wrong location, but all the IOWD data 
> ends up placed and moved on the query result cache's filesystem (which is 
> revealed as a serious performance regression on cloud storage when hitting 
> some throughput limits).
> whatever the solution is, it needs to bypass the query result cache for IOWD, 
> so the the original behavior is restored and files go to the right place 
> {code}
> |   Stage: Stage-0                                   |
> |     Move Operator                                  |
> |       files:                                       |
> |           hdfs directory: true                     |
> |           source: 
> s3a://somebucket/user/hive/.hive-staging_hive_2024-11-09_16-28-27_281_5911898841946485672-9/-ext-10000
>  |
> |           destination:  s3a://somebucket/tmp|
> |                                                    |
> +----------------------------------------------------+
> {code}

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