
Chris Nauroth commented on HIVE-26834:

[~InvisibleProgrammer] , LOL, we have all been there. :D

> Hive Iceberg Storage Handler tests are ignored
> ----------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-26834
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-26834
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Test
>          Components: HiveServer2, Iceberg integration
>            Reporter: Zsolt Miskolczi
>            Priority: Critical
> I wanted to run the following test locally: `mvn test 
> -Dtest="TestHiveIcebergStorageHandlerNoScan#testIcebergAndHmsTableProperties"`
> And it was just skipped. 
> I have checked the latest run on the CI server and it ignored it as well: 
> Link: 
> http://ci.hive.apache.org/blue/organizations/jenkins/hive-precommit/detail/master/1527/artifacts/
> ```
> [2022-12-12T09:11:50.841Z] [INFO] Running 
> org.apache.iceberg.mr.hive.TestHiveIcebergStorageHandlerNoScan
> [2022-12-12T09:11:50.886Z] [INFO] No tests to run.
> ```
> Additional info about this class: 
> The class is annotated as a Parameterised test. But I see no usage of any 
> parameters at the test cases. I suppose it is a left over. 

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