
ASF GitHub Bot logged work on HIVE-26799:

                Author: ASF GitHub Bot
            Created on: 13/Dec/22 01:55
            Start Date: 13/Dec/22 01:55
    Worklog Time Spent: 10m 
      Work Description: dengzhhu653 merged PR #3821:
URL: https://github.com/apache/hive/pull/3821

Issue Time Tracking

    Worklog Id:     (was: 832919)
    Time Spent: 2h 50m  (was: 2h 40m)

> Make authorizations on custom UDFs involved in tables/view configurable.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-26799
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-26799
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: HiveServer2, Security
>    Affects Versions: 4.0.0-alpha-2
>            Reporter: Sai Hemanth Gantasala
>            Assignee: Sai Hemanth Gantasala
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: pull-request-available
>          Time Spent: 2h 50m
>  Remaining Estimate: 0h
> When Hive is using Ranger/Sentry as an authorization service, consider the 
> following scenario.
> {code:java}
> > create table test_udf(st string);   // privileged user operation 
> > create function Udf_UPPER as 'openkb.hive.udf.MyUpper' using jar 
> > 'hdfs:///tmp/MyUpperUDF-1.0.0.jar'; // privileged user operation
> > create view v1_udf as select udf_upper(st) from test_udf; // privileged 
> > user operation
> //unprivileged user test_user is given select permissions on view v1_udf
> > select * from v1_udf;  {code}
> It is expected that test_user needs to have select privilege on v1_udf and 
> select permissions on udf_upper custom UDF in order to do a select query on 
> view. 
> This patch introduces a configuration 
> "hive.security.authorization.functions.in.view"=false which disables 
> authorization on views associated with views/tables during the select query. 
> In this mode, only UDFs explicitly stated in the query would still be 
> authorized as it is currently.
> The reason for making these custom UDFs associated with view/tables 
> authorizable is that currently, test_user will need to be granted select 
> permissions on the custom udf. and the test_user can use this UDF and query 
> against any other table, which is a security concern.

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