
Chris Nauroth commented on HIVE-26632:

Update DelegationTokenSecretManager current key ID to prevent erroneous 
database updates.

{{TokenStoreDelegationTokenSecretManager#logUpdateMasterKey}}, used in 
combination with {{DBTokenStore}}, inserts a new master key to the 
{{MASTER_KEYS}} table. The serialized {{DelegationKey}} stored in the 
{{MASTER_KEY}} column initially will contain an ID with the value of the base 
class member {{AbstractDelegationTokenSecretManager#currentId}}. For example, 
for a freshly started HiveMetaStore process, this will use a value of 1. Then, 
there is a second update performed on the database row, setting a new 
serialized {{DelegationKey}} with an ID that matches the value of the 
auto-incrementing {{KEY_ID}} column. Note that this method does not update 
{{AbstractDelegationTokenSecretManager#currentId}} for agreement with the new 
key ID.

{{TokenStoreDelegationTokenSecretManager#rollMasterKeyExt}} scans all rows in 
{{MASTER_KEYS}}. If it finds a serialized {{MASTER_KEY}} with an ID that 
matches its current value for 
{{AbstractDelegationTokenSecretManager#currentId}}, then it will update the 
database row.

We have observed a race condition while running multiple HiveMetaStore 
instances sharing the same database. The steps performed in 
{{logUpdateMasterKey}} are not transactional. It's possible that 
{{rollMasterKeyExt}} running in HiveMetaStore A scans a newly inserted row from 
{{logUpdateMasterKey}} running in HiveMetaStore B that has not had the ID 
updated to the correct value yet. If that ID matches the {{currentId}} in 
HiveMetaStore A, then it will attempt to update, but the ID in the update query 
won't match any row's {{KEY_ID}}. The update fails with an exception:

2022-08-03T00:09:48,744 ERROR [Thread[Thread-9,5,main]] 
thrift.TokenStoreDelegationTokenSecretManager: ExpiredTokenRemover thread 
received unexpected exception. 
NoSuchObjectException(message:No key found with keyId: 1)
NoSuchObjectException(message:No key found with keyId: 1)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [?:1.8.0_312]
Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.NoSuchObjectException: No key 
found with keyId: 1

When this exception happens, {{ExpiredTokenRemoverThread}} will not update 
{{lastMasterKeyUpdate}}, so it immediately tries again to create a new master 
key, causing increased database load and extraneous rows in the {{MASTER_KEYS}} 

This problem can be prevented if {{logUpdateMasterKey}} also updates the base 
class {{currentId}} to the correct ID value.

> Update DelegationTokenSecretManager current key ID to prevent erroneous 
> database updates.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-26632
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-26632
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Standalone Metastore
>            Reporter: Chris Nauroth
>            Assignee: Chris Nauroth
>            Priority: Major
> While rolling a new master key, {{TokenStoreDelegationTokenSecretManager}} 
> does not update a base class member variable that tracks the current key ID. 
> This can cause situations later where it attempts to update a key using an 
> incorrect ID. This update attempt fails, even though the process had 
> successfully generated a new master key. Since it appears to be a failure 
> though, the thread immediately attempts to roll a new master key again, 
> resulting in excess database load.

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