
ASF GitHub Bot logged work on HIVE-26504:

                Author: ASF GitHub Bot
            Created on: 15/Sep/22 08:46
            Start Date: 15/Sep/22 08:46
    Worklog Time Spent: 10m 
      Work Description: veghlaci05 commented on code in PR #3557:
URL: https://github.com/apache/hive/pull/3557#discussion_r971706620

@@ -235,6 +235,10 @@ public void alterTable(RawStore msdb, Warehouse wh, String 
catName, String dbnam
       boolean renamedTranslatedToExternalTable = rename && 
           && MetaStoreUtils.isTranslatedToExternalTable(newt);
+      List<ColumnStatistics> columnStatistics = getColumnStats(msdb, oldt);
+      columnStatistics = deleteTableColumnStats(msdb, oldt, newt, 

Review Comment:
   deleteAllPartitionColumnStatistics is used only in one specific case: 
[HIVE-23959](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-23959): Provide an 
option to wipe out column stats for partitioned tables in case of column removal
   So I don't think we should call this method in all cases. However, it made 
me think that in this particular case the table column statistics should not be 
re-added at the end. What do you think?

Issue Time Tracking

    Worklog Id:     (was: 809015)
    Time Spent: 1h 10m  (was: 1h)

> User is not able to drop table
> ------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-26504
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-26504
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Hive
>            Reporter: László Végh
>            Assignee: László Végh
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: pull-request-available
>          Time Spent: 1h 10m
>  Remaining Estimate: 0h
> Hive won't store anything in *TAB_COL_STATS* for partitioned table, whereas 
> impala stores complete column stats in TAB_COL_STATS for partitioned table. 
> Deleting entries in TAB_COL_STATS is based on (DB_NAME, TABLE_NAME), not by 
> TBL_ID. Renamed tables were having old names in TAB_COL_STATS.
> To Repro:
> {code:java}
> beeline:
> set hive.create.as.insert.only=false;
> set hive.create.as.acid=false;
> create table testes.table_name_with_partition (id tinyint, name string) 
> partitioned by (col_to_partition bigint) stored as parquet;
> insert into testes.table_name_with_partition (id, name, col_to_partition) 
> values (1, "a", 2020), (2, "b", 2021), (3, "c", 2022);
> impala:
> compute stats testes.table_name_with_partition; -- backend shows new entries 
> beeline:
> alter table testes.table_name_with_partition rename to 
> testes2.table_that_cant_be_droped;
> drop table testes2.table_that_cant_be_droped; -- This fails with 
> TAB_COL_STATS_fkey constraint violation.
> {code}
> Exception trace for drop table failure
> {code:java}
> Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: update or delete on 
> table "TBLS" violates foreign key constraint "TAB_COL_STATS_fkey" on table 
>   Detail: Key (TBL_ID)=(19816) is still referenced from table "TAB_COL_STATS".
>         at 
> org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.receiveErrorResponse(QueryExecutorImpl.java:2532)
>         at 
> org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.processResults(QueryExecutorImpl.java:2267)
>         ... 50 more
> {code}

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