
ASF GitHub Bot logged work on HIVE-23553:

                Author: ASF GitHub Bot
            Created on: 27/Jan/21 03:28
            Start Date: 27/Jan/21 03:28
    Worklog Time Spent: 10m 
      Work Description: jcamachor commented on a change in pull request #1823:
URL: https://github.com/apache/hive/pull/1823#discussion_r564992785

File path: ql/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/io/orc/OrcFileFormatProxy.java
@@ -47,12 +47,14 @@ public SplitInfos applySargToMetadata(
     OrcTail orcTail = ReaderImpl.extractFileTail(fileMetadata);
     OrcProto.Footer footer = orcTail.getFooter();
     int stripeCount = footer.getStripesCount();
-    boolean writerUsedProlepticGregorian = footer.hasCalendar()
-        ? footer.getCalendar() == OrcProto.CalendarKind.PROLEPTIC_GREGORIAN
-        : OrcConf.PROLEPTIC_GREGORIAN_DEFAULT.getBoolean(conf);
+    // Always convert To PROLEPTIC_GREGORIAN

Review comment:
       Why is it OK to use proleptic calendar always here? Could we leave short 
explanation in the comment for when we need to revisit this code?

File path: 
@@ -282,6 +280,56 @@ public String toString() {
+  public static boolean[] findPresentStreamsByColumn(

Review comment:
       Can we add javadoc for these public static utility methods? If they are 
used only in this class, should we change their visibility?

File path: 
@@ -687,11 +687,11 @@ POSTHOOK: Input: 
 POSTHOOK: Input: default@part_change_various_various_timestamp_n6@part=1
 #### A masked pattern was here ####
 insert_num     part    c1      c2      c3      c4      c5      c6      c7      
c8      c9      c10     c11     c12     b
-101    1       1970-01-01 00:00:00.001 1969-12-31 23:59:59.872 NULL    
1969-12-07 03:28:36.352 NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    6229-06-28 
02:54:28.970117179   6229-06-28 02:54:28.97011       6229-06-28 02:54:28.97011  
     1950-12-18 00:00:00     original
-102    1       1970-01-01 00:00:00     1970-01-01 00:00:00.127 1970-01-01 
00:00:32.767 1970-01-25 20:31:23.647 NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    5966-07-09 
03:30:50.597 5966-07-09 03:30:50.597 5966-07-09 03:30:50.597 2049-12-18 
00:00:00     original
+101    1       1970-01-01 00:00:01     1969-12-31 23:57:52     NULL    
1901-12-13 20:45:52     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    6229-06-28 
02:54:28.970117179   6229-06-28 02:54:28.97011       6229-06-28 02:54:28.97011  
     1950-12-18 00:00:00     original

Review comment:
       This shifting for timestamp values does not seem right (or at least I 
cannot make sense of it). Could you explain what is going on here? Some of the 
shifting is significant: For those, I remember there were some backwards 
incompatible changes in schema evolution in 1.6.x, it may be related to that? 
However, other shifting seems a bit more suspicious, e.g., 1 second, ~2 minutes?

File path: 
@@ -2585,6 +2590,7 @@ private static TreeReader getPrimitiveTreeReader(final 
int columnIndex,
+            .setIsInstant(columnType.getCategory()  == 

Review comment:
       As @mustafaiman  mentioned, I think this should be always false indeed: 
AFAIK support to read/write timestamp with local time zone in ORC is not 
implemented yet.

File path: ql/src/test/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/io/orc/TestOrcFile.java
@@ -325,7 +326,7 @@ public void testReadFormat_0_11() throws Exception {
         + "binary,string1:string,middle:struct<list:array<struct<int1:int,"
         + "string1:string>>>,list:array<struct<int1:int,string1:string>>,"
         + "map:map<string,struct<int1:int,string1:string>>,ts:timestamp,"
-        + "decimal1:decimal(38,18)>", readerInspector.getTypeName());
+        + "decimal1:decimal(38,10)>", readerInspector.getTypeName());

Review comment:
       Change in decimal scale. Expected?

File path: ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/llap/orc_file_dump.q.out
@@ -249,15 +249,15 @@ Stripes:
       Entry 1: numHashFunctions: 4 bitCount: 6272 popCount: 182 loadFactor: 
0.029 expectedFpp: 7.090246E-7
       Stripe level merge: numHashFunctions: 4 bitCount: 6272 popCount: 1772 
loadFactor: 0.2825 expectedFpp: 0.0063713384
     Row group indices for column 9:
-      Entry 0: count: 1000 hasNull: false min: 2013-03-01 09:11:58.703 max: 
2013-03-01 09:11:58.703 positions: 0,0,0,0,0,0
-      Entry 1: count: 49 hasNull: false min: 2013-03-01 09:11:58.703 max: 
2013-03-01 09:11:58.703 positions: 0,7,488,0,1538,488
+      Entry 0: count: 1000 hasNull: false min: 2013-03-01 09:11:58.70307 max: 
2013-03-01 09:11:58.703325 positions: 0,0,0,0,0,0
+      Entry 1: count: 49 hasNull: false min: 2013-03-01 09:11:58.703076 max: 
2013-03-01 09:11:58.703325 positions: 0,7,488,0,1538,488
     Bloom filters for column 9:
       Entry 0: numHashFunctions: 4 bitCount: 6272 popCount: 4 loadFactor: 
0.0006 expectedFpp: 1.6543056E-13
       Entry 1: numHashFunctions: 4 bitCount: 6272 popCount: 4 loadFactor: 
0.0006 expectedFpp: 1.6543056E-13
       Stripe level merge: numHashFunctions: 4 bitCount: 6272 popCount: 4 
loadFactor: 0.0006 expectedFpp: 1.6543056E-13
     Row group indices for column 10:
-      Entry 0: count: 1000 hasNull: false min: 8 max: 9994 sum: 5118211 
positions: 0,0,0,0,0
-      Entry 1: count: 49 hasNull: false min: 248 max: 9490 sum: 246405 
positions: 0,2194,0,4,488
+      Entry 0: count: 1000 hasNull: false min: 0.08 max: 99.94 sum: 51182.11 
positions: 0,0,0,0,0

Review comment:
       min/max changed. Expected?

File path: 
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ Stage-1 HIVE COUNTERS:
-   CACHE_HIT_BYTES: 138344
+   CACHE_MISS_BYTES: 138342

Review comment:
       Expected? Was it a typo?

File path: ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/llap/orc_file_dump.q.out
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ Stripe Statistics:
     Column 6: count: 1049 hasNull: false bytesOnDisk: 3323 min: 0.02 max: 
49.85 sum: 26286.349999999977
     Column 7: count: 1049 hasNull: false bytesOnDisk: 137 true: 526
     Column 8: count: 1049 hasNull: false bytesOnDisk: 3430 min:  max: zach 
zipper sum: 13443
-    Column 9: count: 1049 hasNull: false bytesOnDisk: 1802 min: 2013-03-01 
09:11:58.703 max: 2013-03-01 09:11:58.703
+    Column 9: count: 1049 hasNull: false bytesOnDisk: 1802 min: 2013-03-01 
09:11:58.70307 max: 2013-03-01 09:11:58.703325

Review comment:
       Timestamp precision change. Expected?

File path: 
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ PREHOOK: Input: default@bloomtest
 #### A masked pattern was here ####
 #### A masked pattern was here ####
-File Version: 0.12 with ORC_517
+File Version: 0.12 with ORC_14

Review comment:
       Is this change expected?

File path: ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/tez/orc_merge12.q.out
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ Stripe Statistics:
     Column 6: count: 9174 hasNull: true min: -16379.0 max: 9763215.5639 sum: 
     Column 7: count: 12288 hasNull: false min: 
00020767-dd8f-4f4d-bd68-4b7be64b8e44 max: fffa3516-e219-4027-b0d3-72bb2e676c52 
sum: 442368
     Column 8: count: 12288 hasNull: false min: 
000976f7-7075-4f3f-a564-5a375fafcc101416a2b7-7f64-41b7-851f-97d15405037e max: 
fffd0642-5f01-48cd-8d97-3428faee49e9b39f2b4c-efdc-4e5f-9ab5-4aa5394cb156 sum: 
-    Column 9: count: 9173 hasNull: true min: 1969-12-31 15:59:30.929 max: 
1969-12-31 16:00:30.808
-    Column 10: count: 9174 hasNull: true min: 1969-12-31 15:59:30.929 max: 
1969-12-31 16:00:30.808
+    Column 9: count: 9173 hasNull: true min: 1969-12-31 15:59:30.929 max: 
1969-12-31 16:00:30.808999999

Review comment:
       Change in timestamp precision in stats. Expected?

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Issue Time Tracking

    Worklog Id:     (was: 542604)
    Time Spent: 4h  (was: 3h 50m)

> Upgrade ORC version to 1.6.7
> ----------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-23553
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-23553
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>            Reporter: Panagiotis Garefalakis
>            Assignee: Panagiotis Garefalakis
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: pull-request-available
>          Time Spent: 4h
>  Remaining Estimate: 0h
>  Apache Hive is currently on 1.5.X version and in order to take advantage of 
> the latest ORC improvements such as column encryption we have to bump to 
> 1.6.X.
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?version=12343288&styleName=&projectId=12318320&Create=Create&atl_token=A5KQ-2QAV-T4JA-FDED_4ae78f19321c7fb1e7f337fba1dd90af751d8810_lin
> Even though ORC reader could work out of the box, HIVE LLAP is heavily 
> depending on internal ORC APIs e.g., to retrieve and store File Footers, 
> Tails, streams – un/compress RG data etc. As there ware many internal changes 
> from 1.5 to 1.6 (Input stream offsets, relative BufferChunks etc.) the 
> upgrade is not straightforward.
> This Umbrella Jira tracks this upgrade effort.

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