
Sahil Takiar reassigned HIVE-20273:

    Assignee:     (was: Sahil Takiar)

> Spark jobs aren't cancelled if getSparkJobInfo or getSparkStagesInfo
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-20273
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-20273
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Sub-task
>          Components: Spark
>            Reporter: Sahil Takiar
>            Priority: Major
>         Attachments: HIVE-20273.1.patch, HIVE-20273.2.patch
> HIVE-19053 and HIVE-19733 added handling of {{InterruptedException}} to 
> {{RemoteSparkJobStatus#getSparkJobInfo}} and 
> {{RemoteSparkJobStatus#getSparkStagesInfo}}. Now, these methods catch 
> {{InterruptedException}} and wrap the exception in a {{HiveException}} and 
> then throw the new {{HiveException}}.
> This new {{HiveException}} is then caught in 
> {{RemoteSparkJobMonitor#startMonitor}} which then looks for exceptions that 
> match the condition:
> {code:java}
> if (e instanceof InterruptedException ||
>                 (e instanceof HiveException && e.getCause() instanceof 
> InterruptedException))
> {code}
> If this condition is met (in this case it is), the exception will again be 
> wrapped in another {{HiveException}} and is thrown again. So the final 
> exception is a {{HiveException}} that wraps a {{HiveException}} that wraps an 
> {{InterruptedException}}.
> The double nesting of hive exception causes the logic in 
> {{SparkTask#setSparkException}} to break, and doesn't cause {{killJob}} to 
> get triggered.
> This causes interrupted Hive queries to not kill their corresponding Spark 
> jobs.

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